Not healthy, but will it make them sick? (Moths)

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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
New Mexico
Sooo my girls were out for playtime tonight and New Mexico is being over whelmed with moths right now. So a month flew down and landed on the ground. Thinking that the chins would just ignore the moth we ignored it, but one of the girls chased it down and ate its wings. She may have also taken a bite out of the body. I know that this is probably not healthy for them but will eating moths make them sick. We are already keeping a closer eye on the moths and them, but figured I might as well ask. Also why would she do that??????
I've wondered about chins eating bugs too... my Rosey once ate a spider (barf!), and my old girl Poppy ate a moth too. Both were fine, though I kept a close watch on their eating and pooping for a couple of days. I guess the outcome would always depend on which species of insect they ate, and whether or not it was poisonous.

I wonder if maybe wild chins will occasionally eat bugs? I dunno....extra protein?!!