okay well i just got my seven week boy. louie. well the breeder said give him a teaspoon of this one kind. its a baby blend thats supposed to be good for baby hedgies. and a tablespoon. of his main food. well thats not a lot of food. and last night he ate a couple like peices then its 2:12 AM right now and i havent heard him come out to eat yet? the amount of food was small to begin with so why hasnt he ate it all yet? maybe around 11pm. i took him for like ten minutes. then put him back right in front of his food. he ate like two peices. drank some water. then went into his hide. he has been there all night so far. i can hear him moving around in there. like getting situated and comformtable. but wht hasnt he came out to play or eat or anything tongiht? and why did he eat so little last night?