Not eating solids still

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Feb 10, 2009
I am really worried my chin stopped eating nearly 4 weeks ago so I took her to the vets and they trimmed her front and back teeth down, 10 days later she was still not eating solids (currently on liquid food) so took her back and they said the cheek tissue had swollen and had to trim it back. I have got anti-inflammertry liquid to give her but she still not eating solid food. I am still giving her the liquid food which she eats, but she is showing no interest in even her treats. Needless to say i find this worrying, I know it is not her roots as the x rays show that they are fine. I have been the vets 5 times in as many weeks and am due too take her back to be weighed, if anyone has had experience with this please tell me what more can I do.
Whereabouts in the UK are you based?
Have you taken the Xrays to an exotics specialist?

If your chin is still having problems then I'd be looking for a second opinion to be honest.
My chinchilla was given an antibiotic that is known to cause a loss of appetite so I was expecting to hand-feed her for a while anyway and I also figured she would be in some pain for a while. Did your chin have antibiotics and pain medication as well? Mine did not start eating anything on her own for about 5 days and I am still hand-feeding her a few times a day. I am keeping close track of her weight on my own as well. Do you have a scale? Continue to hand feed, it is possible she is scared to try to eat on her own because she remembers the pain or maybe she is still in too much pain or it could be the medication making her not want to eat. Lots of possibilities really. The important thing is that you keep her gut moving with hand-feeding until she can eat on her own. If you feel she is not thriving than I think you should get another opinion as well.
My chinchilla was given an antibiotic that is known to cause a loss of appetite so I was expecting to hand-feed her for a while anyway and I also figured she would be in some pain for a while. Did your chin have antibiotics and pain medication as well? Mine did not start eating anything on her own for about 5 days and I am still hand-feeding her a few times a day. I am keeping close track of her weight on my own as well. Do you have a scale? Continue to hand feed, it is possible she is scared to try to eat on her own because she remembers the pain or maybe she is still in too much pain or it could be the medication making her not want to eat. Lots of possibilities really. The important thing is that you keep her gut moving with hand-feeding until she can eat on her own. If you feel she is not thriving than I think you should get another opinion as well.

I think Jean gave you a lot of good info! :)high5:). But I would also shoot for a second opinion if things don't start to turn up. Check to se what meds she is on, which could be causing a loss of interest with the food. Again, like Jean said, she may just still be in pain. Keep a close eye on her a her weight and keep us updated!
thanks for all the advice, the medication she is on is a pain relief called meloxviet, whic I have to give her daily, I will continue to hand feed her and just keep the solid food in there and hope things start to pick up
Whereabouts in the UK are you based?
Have you taken the Xrays to an exotics specialist?
I am in the northwest near manchester, the vet I take her too is an exotic specialist and she said the roots are fine and not growing wrongly etc
Any good vet should not be upset if you ask for a second opinion, especially if the chin is not back to eating, etc. Claire may be able to suggest a vet who would look at the x-rays cheap or free for another opinion

How much are you feeding? If it is a lot you might want to try to cut back on the amounts for a couple days ( but still hand feed) to see if she'll pick up some on her own. Also weight her pellets so you know for sure if she's eating anything, even just a couple pellets when you're not looking. Sometimes chins like the hand formula so much they don't want anything else.

Good luck!
Have you been to the Animal Medical Centre Referral Services? David Crossley is one of the leading chinchilla dental specialists.
Contact details: Tel: +0 (161) 881-3329
Address: 511 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton, Manchester, M210UB
Country: United Kingdom
Practice type: multi-disaplinary referral centre

It may well be that the mouth ulceration/inflammation is causing the problems - is she on antibiotics at all or just the Meloxicam? How much of that is she getting?
Sometimes it does take a while for a chin to get back to eating on their own but the concern here is that she is not eating and is still having problems in her mouth - I'd still be after a second opinion.
How much food are you managing to get into her?
It's a difficult balance at times to feed the chin so that they have enough calories and nutrition on board but for them to still be interested in nibbling food in between feeds. Have you tried scattering healthy treats (mini shredded wheat, a few oats, some tasty hays) around the cage? Sometimes stimulating the foraging instincts of a chin will entice them to eat or at least start nibbling foods.
Claire D thanks for the advice, I am due to take her back for weighing on wednesday, when I last took her in for them to look at her mouth again I know it was a dental specialist who saw her along with the exotic pet vet. They said that her cheeks were still slightly inflammed and to continue with the anti inflammatory medication which she is getting 0.1ml. I do know that one of the side effects of this can be a loss of appetite, have scattered various food around her cage but as yet she has shown no interest. She is getting about 40 mls of liiquid food a day maybe more as she loves to drink it straight from her bowl. Today I have filled her bowl up 3 times
If she is maintaining her weight then it might be worth cutting back on one of the feeds to see if she regains her appetite. It is a difficult balance between feeding her to keep her nutrition and weight up but not allowing her to feel "full". If a chin is relying on the syringe food they sometimes do not eat of their own accord - but cutting down on feeds can be a problem if they then don't eat and lose weight. It can be a vicious circle (and incredibly frustrating!).
Try cutting down one of the feeds and see if she starts nibbling - it is worth discussing it all further with the vets tomorrow as well.

Good luck and please keep us posted.
Just thought I would let you guys know, my chin is gaining weight now although still not eating solids, my vet wants me to bring her back each week to check she is gaining suitable weight and has said to give her another week on liquid food and than slowly cut back on it to see if she will start eating solids. So fingers crossed
Just thought I would let you guys know, my chin is gaining weight now although still not eating solids, my vet wants me to bring her back each week to check she is gaining suitable weight and has said to give her another week on liquid food and than slowly cut back on it to see if she will start eating solids. So fingers crossed
Not to be disrespectful, just curious really, why don't you weigh her yourself and save the trips to the vet? Scales are inexpensive and she may be less stressed staying in her own home. I wish her well :).