not eating pellets........

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Lately I have noticed that Stitch was acting strange. I was thinking maybe jealousy of how much I take out Richie to handfeed and/or jealous of adding Zucca to the mix.
He doesnt seem to be eating his pellets at all. He was getting a mazuri/panr mix, i switched to all panr, i even added another bowl in a different location with some oxbow. nothing. i measure the food before putting in and when i toss it at night it is the same amount.
he is eating some hay. eats any & all treats. chewing on wood like a wood chuck!
he is not pawing at his face or drooling, not grinding or acting like his mouth hurts.
I noticed his poops were lighter in color and actually felt lighter in weight. almost airy and not as many obviously because he isnt eating as much.
i have been trying to take him out for playtime a little more and last night i gave him a some lifeline & gas drops in a syringe and he hated it! he actually sulked for 2 hours after and wouldnt even come near me. i felt his belly & it seems fine. over the last month he has lost some weight. he is very hard to weigh because he is just a spaz.
Any thoughts on why he would suddenly stop eating the pellets AND any ideas how to get him to eat them again. I did try a pinch of oats mixed in but he didnt go for it.
i really do not want to stress him out by taking him to the vet just yet. he does not like to be held or confined in any way and i fear the combination of the two would be detrimental to his health.
Mix the lifeline into a paste and try letting him eat it off a spoon. I've found that'll correct their tummy problems, [usually] and get them back on their normal feed. Couple days in a row, then every other day, then twice a week for a month should do it!
he wont eat the paste, i tried it. and i absolutely love that product so maybe i will just have to force feed him the lifeline. he just hates being forced to do anything! i just dont understand why he would stop eating just the pellets. I really have been trying to give him extra attention because of richies special needs and adding a 3rd one to the mix. sometimes chinnies can be such PITA's!! I just hope there isnt something wrong with him.
Maybe powder the feed in a blender, and mix it with the lifeline.
Do you have Dyne from Dawnna too? Could try some in the water.
yeah i do that already for my chin with malo, so maybe i will try it with stitch. and yes i have dyne, so maybe i will mix that in too since he hates the syringe.

barb--he wasnt eating the mazuri either, that is why i tried all panr.
Oh well - I guess you had better try to weight him for a few days even though he make it hard, so you know if he is eating enough If he is losing weight continually you will have to take him to the vet