Not eating on own after 4 weeks

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I posted awhile back that I had a chin with a point on one of her top molars. The vet filed it. I went back a week later because she was losing weight rapidly even thou hand feeding her. The 3rd week we had x-rays done and nothing is wrong with her teeth. She's been on metacam and baytril. She is hand fed 5 to 6 times a day. Her last feeding usually around 11 pm and 1st feeding 6:30 or 7 am. She weighs around 670 grs. on last feeding and in the morning she's down to 641 grs. I tried a cheerio and a shredded wheat she'll grab it then throw it down. I told the vet if she doesn't start eating on her own I will have her euthanize. I do not want to go 8 mths hand feeding like I did another chin that I finally put down after spending over $1500.00 plus on her.

My question is how do I get her to eat on her own again?
Did they do xrays of her abdomen? Maybe because of all this she could either have bloat or gistasis. I am only saying this because i went through it. After a month my chin was still not eating and they were telling me it was from a cut on his tongue. Then xrays of his stomach showed he had bloat. So a week of cisapride formulated by a pharmacy he started eating on his own. Maybe the prob was her teeth but now its something else.
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Why don't you try just putting the food in a dish a couple times a day? I don't hand feed nearly that many times a day. I just do it twice, morning and evening (when it's necessary) and that gets them gaining and keeps them happy. If she struggles at all while you get her out of the cage to hand feed her, that could be wasted calories. Try offering it to her in a bowl and see how that goes over.
i only feed 3 times a day, but have been doing so since the spring. maybe because you are feeding so much, he isnt hungry???
i did notice when i backed off on the feeding richie started to nibble on things in his cage, like a shredded wheat or very thin apple stick.
i also give him a pinch of organic herbs with the "shake" from the bottom of the bag of alfalpha and/or botanical hay. he actually seems to eat this almost every night.

how much are you feeding?? richie was eating almost 160 grams a day! now he eats between 90 - 120 and i notice he attempts to nibble on things, but he has malo and just loves his time with mommy so i doubt he will ever truly eat on his own.
but he has more enegy these last 2 months than ever! he runs around his cage, is a spaz during playtime. last night he escaped and ran around the kitchen for 20 minutes like a champ! i had also considered putting him down because of his inability to eat, however; with his energy level i just didnt feel it was time.

oh i always leave food in his cage. maybe try some crushed up pellets and some whole pellets and just give him a variety.

keep weighing him, because i noticed when i tried to back down on handfeeding comepletely richie did lose a good amount of weight.

sorry i just noticed you are probably a breeder and already know all this. thought you were a pet owner like myself just looking for advice.
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The vet only did x-rays of her mouth. I guess I can get one of her stomach.

Tunes - I tried the food in the bowl and she wouldn't touch it.

Michelle - I'm not per say a big breeder I only had 1 baby born this year, in fact last month. I'm hand feeding him but he's weaning himself off the formula. The baby and adult are not related. I rescued some chins from a long time ago and they are still here.
I had a great suggestion someone posted a while back in CnQ. You can get pellets wet, then bake them for about 20 minutes until dry. They kind of puff up like popcorn a little and are softer and easier to eat. That is how I weaned my chin that had a spur off Critical Care and unto real food. I used that, fed only 2 times a day, and he did start eating again. Once he started eating again, that naturally wore down the spur. He still will not touch hay or chew toys, but does eat pellets like a champ.

He never even needed surgery! He was on Tramadol, which to me is a miracle drug because it helps the pain better than metacam and does not have as many side effects. We are over 2 years later and doing great. It is a narcotic though, so it is something to talk to your vet about and weigh the options. Your chin sounds just like mine, so I hope everything works out and you have lots more years with him.
My vet was the one who told me about the 'puff' pellets - Put some pellets in a colundar (sp) and put under hot water, drain Turn on your over to 350, when the oven is 350 cook pellets (put in a cookie sheet) for 30 minutes. Let cool and feed.
I have a chin that I have had to have her teeth filed down every 3 months and has been hand fed (2x a day) for 5 1/2 years. She is very friendly and very active and a happy camper. She is so use to the hand feeding she opens her mouth like a bird when the syringes comes near her mouth. And yes, I have tried many, many times to get her to eat on her own. She doesn't like the puff pellets or anything else but the 'syringe' food. I don't even feed her CC anymore. I make my own mixture with Mazuri and PANR because I thought at first she just wanted the CC - not so. Her weight remains good - around 680 g.
I'll give the puff pellets a try at this point nothing will hurt.

The syringe I use I'm just guessing has a 1/2 diameter. She will eat a whole tube full at each feeding. I don't feed cc my animals just hate the stuff. I purchased 2 bags one of each flavor we went thru both bags just fighting. I too make up my own mixture. With the mixture I make she doesn't fight just eats it.
i do the same as richie just wont eat the pellets. We use the same vet & i have recommended to many members the puffed pellets.
i crush up the mazuri and/or panr, before putting into the grinder i add crushed rose hips or rose hip powder and a small amount of organic herbs, like nettle, dandelion, & rasberry leaf, hibicus flower. they have have healing benefits and it changes the flavor. once ground i add filtered water and a small amount of canned pumpkin, about 1 TB for a couple days mix.
i have played around with the consistancies until i found one he likes.

and i thank God every day for Chantel and her recommendation of Tramadol. it has kept richie happy. he hasnt had to have his teeth trimmed since the beginning of August and has not drooled since. he is more active than ever.
I have even backed down on the dosage and he is doing great.
guess you just have to try everything until you find what works.
i have just come to the conclusion that i will need to handfeed him. while it does take up a good amount of time per day, it allows him to have a life. when i get home he waits by the cage and crys when i put him back in! he loves his time with mommy!!