Sorry to raise a month-old thread, but yours sounds like what one of our chins is going through. We recently (3 weeks ago) adopted two rescues. In the carrier when we adopted her we noticed one had unusual poos, but were told by their foster that they'd been checked out by a local small/exotic animal specialist, and knowing that environment changes can cause temporary stresses, we figured making sure she had ample water and good food (we use Oxbow) should turn things around. She shares a cage with two others, so it's hard to determine whose poos are whose, but we did notice a significant drop in the appearance of the odd poo pellets after the first week and a half, and haven't seen any unusual since.
Lola's been seen drinking water, as well, and has been lively until the latter half of Wednesday night. She only played for about 15 minutes or so before going back into the cage. Thursday morning, they were all curled up as usual, but we didn't disturb them...however, during the day while our daughter was cleaning their room, she said she saw Lola lying on her side, but when petted, she got up and stayed in her usual huddle. When she told me that, since we just had another chin have a surprise baby with the same lying down thing, I was nervous and checked her out when I got home. She was decidedly lethargic and breathing a little faster than normal. I fed her some crushed pellets in water, and she had maybe half a syringe worth before she squirmed to get out of my hands and run back into the cage while her mates played. I didn't like that at all, so I started looking up the info for the emergency care vet. While I was digging up the info, I found her having gotten in the dust bath, in which she rolled around a couple of times, and then just sat there.
Anyhow, at this point, I urged the other chins back in their cage, got her in the carrier, and took her right to the vet. The vet recommended xrays and syringe feeding, coupled with monitoring overnight, and believed it to be GI blockage. So, in retrospect, the vanishing unusual poos wasn't quite the good sign we thought...she just stopped making them.
While at the emergency vet last night, she produced one, but they said her breathing has gotten more rapid, so they put her in an oxygenated box.
Now she's at her regular vet, but my concern is did we catch it soon enough?
Literally she was as active as when we'd first met her right up until that odd behaviour Wednesday night that led us to taking her to the vet yesterday evening. I'm useless at work today what with the worry....