Not eating much and droopy tail

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New member
Aug 22, 2014
My 1 1/2 yeah old chinchilla hasn't been eating much the past 2 days, is almost always in his house, isn't curling his tail, and isn't as active as he normally would be. I can get him to eat some and I know he's drinking water and he'll also nibble at his poop and hay. He'll jump on top of his house sometimes and to his favorite sitting spot in his cage from time to time but most of the time it looks like he's trying to sleep. I've also had him outside of the cage to see what he does and he'll hop around and be his curious self but he isn't being as energetic as he normally would. His poop is also smaller and a lighter color then his normal poop would be. He'll let me pick him up and hold him for a little longer then he normally would. His eyes have that sparkle to them and as far as I can tell he hasn't broken anything. I'm just really worried about him and not too sure what to do. The only thing different I've done that I can think of is change his hay. He seems to be doing better a little more so then worse today. I also own a 6 year old chinchilla (in a separate cage) and he a seems to be fine.


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Lethargy and lack of appetite in a chin are big red flags. He needs to go to a chin experienced vet ASAP. There are a lot of things that could be going on and when they start showing symptoms, they are usually very sick.

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Took him to the vet today and had him checked out. He started getting better over the weekend also. They think he is having digestive issues due to him chewing on plastic. I'm looking into wooden ledges for his cage. They pumped him full of fluids and gave me some liquid laxative to give him every 12 hours and they also recommended me feeding him apples, carrots, and romaine lettuce. They also checked his ears seeingh how they are a little yellow but can't find anything wrong with them. So they suggested I try cleaning them when he feels better. They said over all he looks pretty healthy and alert so they think the worst of it was over. I have to check back with them in a few days. I had him out in the play pen for a little bit and you can already tell the difference in him.
Do not feed him apples, carrots, or romaine lettuce. Chins should not have fruits and veggies of any kind ever. He also shouldn't need his ears cleaned, if they look dirty, he may have an infection or something else going on.
Take away all of the plastic, now. He will be fine without shelves until you can either make some or have some made. Also, do not feed him veggies and fruit. Chins should never have them and if he is having digestive issues, feed them to him will make him worse. I would be looking for a new vet if I were you.