Not eating a lot

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Active member
Oct 21, 2010
So for the past few days my 3 year old female chin has been eating VERY little of her food. She'll eat treats (shredded wheat) and occasionally she'll grab a hay cube, but she won't eat a whole lot of her normal food, Oxbow Chinchilla. So twice a day I have been giving her lifeline to see if that helps kick up her appetite and to maintain her weight. She normally comes out of her hidey house when my family comes near the cage, but she has been hesitant to do so. She also is in love with running on her wheel and has been doing very little of that. I still see fecal matter in her cage, same consistency as well. I haven't been able to take her out as much lately as I've been dealing with finals.
No food changes have been made, she does not have slobber jaws, no grinding of the teeth when she eats.
I use fleece liners as bedding.
So basically she's acting unsociable, she isn't running on her wheel, and she's not eating her hard food.
Any guesses on what it could be? Should I take her to the vet ASAP? Is it possible that she's just lonely?

I have no problem taking her to the vet, I just want to make sure it is necessary before I put her on antibiotics or put her under stress. I also would like to have some sort of idea on what it could be so I can discuss with my vet the best options etc.
If she is not eating her pellets she shouldn't be getting treats, they are tricky little buggers and can and will hold out for treats. She could have learned that if she doesn't eat the pellets you'll give treats. So long as she is still eating some, pooping normally, and not acting lethargic ( if lethargic vet ASAP) she could just be mad from lack of attention and being tricky for treats. I'd get a scale and keep an eye on her weight though, losing weight can be an early warning sign of trouble and a vet trip is in order.
If I was you, I would get her checked out by the vet. Behavioural changes and food intake changes at the same time, would have me pretty worried.

You should definitely get a scale for weighing her. I weigh Rosey and my guinea pigs once a week when they're healthy, and every day if I suspect something isn't quite right. It is important info to take to the vet.

Hope she feels better soon
Sounds like it could be gas, get her to a vet since if it is, the sooner the treatment starts the better.