aka. Chinnie Kisses.
Lastnight I had a terrrrrrrrrrible dream.
I dreamt that Macy died...We took him to Tarifa and I opened the cage on the way back and he was dead.
I then wanted to cremate him but didn't want to 'hurt' him, then thought about getting him pelted..ick..didn't like that idea neither, SO, I sat him up on my shelf how he was and he looked great.
Sheeshhhh what a dream! See over here, we wouldnt have any of our own land outside to burie(?) anything like that!
I dreamt that Macy died...We took him to Tarifa and I opened the cage on the way back and he was dead.
I then wanted to cremate him but didn't want to 'hurt' him, then thought about getting him pelted..ick..didn't like that idea neither, SO, I sat him up on my shelf how he was and he looked great.
Sheeshhhh what a dream! See over here, we wouldnt have any of our own land outside to burie(?) anything like that!