Not as active as usual, is something wrong??

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New member
Dec 22, 2013
I've noticed today that my little chin Barnaby is less active than usual. Especially since it is 3am and he is asleep on the top shelf of his cage. He is not lethargic I don't think because I took him out of his cage for an hour of play time earlier and he ran around like usual. But since being back in his cage all he seems to want to do is sleep. He is still eating/drinking/pooping regularly I believe and he had some pellets and hay shortly after I put him back from play time.
Just the fact that it's the middle of the night which is when they are suppose
To be most active and he is sound asleep is concerning to me. Should I be worried???
Sounds like he was just tired. Chins are actually crepuscular, not nocturnal. That means they are most active at dawn and dusk. I know that my boys are active overnight, but not as much as between about 7pm-11pm and 5am-8am. They also take "cat naps" throughout the day and night.
Chins are just strange animals lol. Don't worry about the random tiredness, they do what they want when they want.
Start to worry if he stops eating/drinking...gets soft stool or any signs of sickness.