Not a URI?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
I was holding Ralphy last night and noticed a tiny bit of crust on his nose. I had to look carefully to see it. I figured it could be a URI so I took him to the vet this morning and they said that his lungs sound clear and he wasn't sneezing or wheezing or anything.... What could this be? I have Baytril on hand...
is it possible it's some of his food? perhaps some of it got wet somehow and dried onto him? i would keep a close eye on him Anna, URI's are very scary in chins, I know they heard nothing today but still really keep an eye out for him.
Dante gets snot once in awhile, it has been going on since he was a young chin, the snot was cultured a few times and nothing was found. Vet told me it was allergies, she has saw him since he was born.
Anna, just keep a close eye on him for the next few days as my CJ had a bit of crust at the tip of his nose too (pic below) and a few of us believed it to be dried up CC from being hand fed, which was very logical as it was a little difficult at first with him and I know I got some on his fur as well. After I cleaned it, the next day I saw it again and then I heard him sneeze, so off to the vet we went where he was diagnosed with a URI.

Just wanted to update: Ralphy's nose is clear of crust and still has not been wheezing or sneezing. I think it would be fair to say that it was just water and dust/food. thank you all again : )