Normal Fur/Coat?

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hi I recently adopted two male chinchillas who are brothers. Bullwinkle is really big and seems to have what I think is normal chinchilla fur. (I say this because I have two other chinchillas previous to the new ones) but the smaller one, Rocky, has very thin and like matted hair, when I first got him he wouldn't take a dust bath but has now taken two for me and while its getting a little bit softer it's not like my other chins. I was just wondering if this was normal or should I be looking to see if he has some sort of disease or something? If this is normal or okay is there anything I can do to help improve his fur? Thanks a lot!
Different quality chins will have different quality of fur. He may be a "pet quality" animal and have less dense fur, so it doesn't feel plush and soft like your other ones do.