Normal breathing or baby movement?

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Sherry Elaine

This is Zoey. We bought her from a breeder about 2 months ago. She weighed maybe 860 when we got her, and she is now 910 grams. I was told that she had some contact with a male.

In these videos, does this look like normal breathing movement, or does it look like kits moving?

Sherry it's hard to tell from the video. But what I do know is when Abigail was pregnant and I would hold her in my hand with her belly in my palm I could FEEL the babies kicking. You can definitely tell the fluttering movements in your palm. I know they say not to handle a chin while pregnant, but Abigail had an URI and I had to hand feed her daily. She suffered no effects from this at all and because of me feeding her and medicating her I definitely could feel those babies!
I agree it is very hard to tell from the video, but very likely could be kits. Just be ready, that is all you can really do!
She seems to really have a hard time getting comfortable lately too, much like Twink did before she had her kits. She stretches out on her side, and last night she was standing up in the corner of the cage for several minutes. It was certainly a weird position.

Then today I saw her stomach moving in jerky, twitchy movements. I never saw that before. Also, she always loved for George to hold her, and now she will bark if we touch her.

We have moved her to the baby safe cage.
All right, that's it! I am so jealous! Everybody is having kits but me....Searches craigs list for a free female chin (I'm broke) JK
I would get her in a baby safe cage. To me it looks as if she has kits moving in there not positive though but sure looks like it, if you can see moving then you really don't have a lot of time left.
And keep us posted - how many, sexes, colors, weights and pictures when all is said and done! Good luck!
The first part of the first video looks like kit movement but could be the camera moving and the second video just looks like normal breathing. It's very hard to tell from videos though so like everyone else mentioned...there is a high possibility she could be pregnant so just keep an eye out for kits now that mom's been moved. ;)
Thanks everyone. :)
I shall, of course, keep you updated.