Nona & Roo

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New Chin Parent
Feb 1, 2012
Topeka, KS
Hi, my name is Eve and I have inherited 2 chins from my college student and I fell instantly in love with them.

Nona is a 4 yr old Female, she is white with a gray stripe on her bottom. She does have a metal "earring" in both ears and what looks like someone punched her right ear with a hole punch. Was told it was because she was a show chin.... She is beatiful no matter what to me. When we got her at first, she was anti-social, but not anymore, she is always happy to see me.

Roo is a 1yr old gray male and is a spit fire! At times I think he is ADHD, but that is what makes him special. There is not a shy bone in his body and is so very active and demanding! Yep demanding, Something about his expressions and body language, he communicates well. Most of the time he wants his bath or let him out to play. He loves to watch TV, if I shut it off, he barks and makes his noises untl I turn it back on and then he is happy again.

They shared a big 4-tiered cage until just recently when Nona started getting wobbly and was removed to a single layered cage for safety. My daughter wanted babies and THANK GOD that didn't happen the 1.5 years she had them together, I am not ready or for sure I want chin babies. I am happy with the two I have.. Roo has the big cage to himself and has been mopy since I moved Nona. However, she is exstatic to have her own place.

I found this site when doing research on what was going on with Nona and was hoping to find the experts to help me grow into a good chin mom.

We live in Topeka, KS and am looking for a good chin doctor.

Hope to post pictures of them soon.
Welcome, Im glad you joined us! I think seperating them was a good idea! Hopefully someone from your area can help with a good vet!
hello and welcome....I have to say there's a lot of great information here about all things chinchilla !!
Here is a picture of Nona, she likes her picture taken. Just found out what her ear tags are, one is breeder and the other is a ECBC tag. So I guess my little Nona is registered. Is there a way to look up the tag numbers to find out more information about her, like her registered name, ect... I think she is a Pink White.

I am not quite sure how to upload her image, I posted it on Facebook open to the public.
Welcome! What do the tags say? I bet someone can help you figure out which breeder/ranch she came from.
The numbers on the tags are so little, or I need better glasses!! What I can make out so far:

Right Ear Front - 286, the 2 is much bigger than the 86
Left Ear Front - F88