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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
While I'm all for no bullying I would love to see no bullying period. I understand recent events have caused the focus to be on gay, lesbian and transgender kids but what about the fat kids and skinny kids and kids with glasses that are bullied? While it's incredibly difficult to be a gay or transgendered child growing up in America let me tell you it's not ball park for the fat kids either.

Fat kids aren't like Santa--we aren't jolly, we don't always have a great sense of humor and no our bellies don't jiggle like a bowl full of jelly.

It's time to stop bullying period--it's time to teach kids to have a good self esteem no matter who they are, or what they look like, or who they love.

I wish we could see that as Americans. I wish we could see that sometimes it isn't what a child eats that's makes them overweight--sometimes it's just genetics. You can't help who you love--no matter if they are the same sex as you or not--you can't help it if you have to wear glasses, or your ears are too big. Basically what happened to you is you are the product of parents who shouldn't have bred lol! But parents don't think of that, they only think to have children they want to love no matter the size of their ears, or bellies, or the size lacking of their bodies--or who they love.

We need to be more compassionate and caring. The world will not change until we change.
I agree, why focus on a particular group in the end that is just as isolating...Stop bullying, not stop bullying the ____ just stop bullying period.
I'd love to see more people approach the world from the point of view of "The person in front of me is an individual. There is nothing inherently wrong or bad about this person; he/she simply *is*." Ultimately the outside doesn't matter, there's still a human being underneath the zits or the 70 extra pounds. Teaching that kind of thinking, though, is hard. I had to find my own self respect and say "I don't care of people do think I have a fat ***, I'm just me and they can take it or leave it" before I could start to see others in a way that ignored the packaging for the contents.