So, I recently sold my Macbook and went back to a HP notebook. I'm SO HAPPY TO BE BACK WITH WINDOWS! Some people are Mac people, some people aren't. Just wanted to share my happiness!
I could never go back to a PC. The only issue I have with my MacBook is some of the edging is coming off. My first Mac lasted me three years, and it was a 4 year old model when I got it.
I've never liked PCs and I was forced to push HP for Circuit City, when I was dealing with mountains of problems with my own DV2000 and HP customer service. The only PC I'd use is a Toshiba now.
Haha.. sorry to rant. I think there will always be people who are on the opposite side of the fence here.
I adore my macs to death (I work with a mac laptop and mac pro at the office) but I still find myself yearning for some of the programs I've literally been using since I was 11 or 12. It's hard to relearn things after 15ish years. And it really is hard to make the switch on a daily basis, I have to relearn ctrl, alt, option, command, etc etc....
I can see how one might have missed the familiarity, and it's always nice to have a shiny new laptop, no matter the brand!
Ever since I've had to get a mac for my college major (graphic design), I cannot go back to windows! My family has a windows desktop and I haven't touched it in over a year.. except to print things. I <3 my macbook.
I tried it for like a year, but it just wasn't for me. I found myself using my boyfriend's PC all the time and my Mac was just sitting there collecting dust. I sold it to some guy that works with the media at his church and took the money and got me a new PC! I've used it more in the past few days than I ever used my Mac. I also just went from a blackberry back to a regular phone today.. Guess it's just time to downsize and simplify! Feels great!
And I'll have to disagree with you there. I had a Toshiba before my Thinkpad and that thing was the worst ever! My sister had the same model and hers broke as much as mine. Both of ours crashed and had to be sent back to the company, while they were still under warranty thankfully. My fan broke twice, so it made the worst lawnmower sound, I got it replaced, worked for a bit, then stopped working again. Then the hinge broke on one side of the screen.
I like both Macs and PC's but honestly, I'd rather not pay over $1000 for a laptop.
Sticking with macs in a Windows development environment has verged on nightmare a couple of times... but nowhere near the daily suffering developing on a dedicated Windows machine.
Parallels, with your sweet, sweet ability to revert to a previous OS setting when I totally bomb... aaahhh the love. Having all three of my machines and server virtual on my Mac... priceless.
We use both in our household, but most of our PCs are loaded into Linux instead of Windows. I'm a huge Mac fan, being in the communications field many use Mac, and hubby is a computer tech so PCs are his thing, although he prefers Linux to Windows.
I've been using a Mac for 7 years now and I love them. My MacBook is my baby!
I used Macs all through junior high, and I have to say... I never fell in love with them. I'm a PC girl all the way, even though I really want to love Macs. I currently run an HP desktop and an HP tablet laptop. I love them more than any sane person should love an inanimate object.
If you're going to fall in love with an inanimate object, especially one involving Windows... at least there's a tablet involved. Those are just aaaawesome, and not hard to love.