No mold on wood!! :-)

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
A few months ago there was a discussion about the risk of prepared wood becoming moldy in the Pacific Northwest and other damp areas. Well, today I found a box of wood that I had left in the garage last October after I came home from the MCBA here in Seattle. Anyhow, I am very pleased to say that there isn't a speck of mold to be found on it. I could be wrong, but is it possible that wood will only mold if there is still moisture in it?
Wood molds from any moisture, in the air/wood/rain on the way to it's new destination.

Leaving it in your garage in a cardboard box allowed the cardboard to absorb the moisture and it's been a cool fall/winter. It does not grow as fast in the winter up there. The warmth of the spring/summer is when it really takes off.

There is always moisture in wood. If you bake it to the point where there is no moisture it will shatter when you try to snap it, but usually catches on fire in the dehydrator first. :))