Ninja chinchilla

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
My chin does this ALL the time, but even though its cute, I'm curious if its normal.

He runs at a door and at the last moment does a weird sideways jump and hits the door about 6" from the floor feet first then pushes off and land on the floor several inches from the door.

I tell my wife he's showing us his "Ninja skills". He's on occasion done this to me and used me as a kick-off surface when I sit in the middle of the floor during their play time. He also runs into our closet sliding door this way and its a fairly loud impact.

Is this safe? Will this hurt him or will he know when too much is too much and not hurt himself? He's very active and loves his playtime. he jumps in and out of his FN cage, onto our bed, on us and back down. This behavior is intentional, could he just be having fun?
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My Pepper does a vertical one...hopping on a box kicking the wall and landing in a 180 in the same spot. I live to see their ninja skills as signs of their well-being!
He's on occasion done this to me and used me as a kick-off surface when I sit in the middle of the floor during their play time.

Chloe once used my face as a launching board or ricochet surface. I got an eyeball socket full of hind chin feet and a mouth full of chin front feet. And of course I inhaled a bunch of chin fur up my nose. Good times.
Mine does it all the time, sometimes I wonder why too, when the route to his tube is just an easy walk straight and get in, nonono, they have to rebound of the hay rack and dive, it's always a joy to watch though.
I've had ones that do it 3-4 FEET off the wall. I've also had them use the space next to the toilet as a springboard and ricochet up to the top of the toilet vanity/light fixtures. That's 6'! Some are extremely agile jumpers.
He may get more daring...I've seen chins wall-surf from several feet in the air!

Ezio does this. He climbs up our heads and then decides he needs to wall-surf to the door handle. Or, on his more daring missions, tries to make it to the bathroom counter. Mommy is mean and picks him right up though.

Here's Ezio preparing for his leap, and Altair (bless his heart) trying to copy him.


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    105.9 KB it just me? But I find looking at 'big' men being so gentle with little animals very sexy to look at. >\\\<!
My ex's chin is prone to running the length of the bathroom counter and surfing on the door vertically to land on the floor in front of it. If he was really keyed up, he'd then take off the length of the bathroom floor and leap off the tub onto the toilet tank to get onto the counter and do it again.
Mine used to but he kind of stopped. He had a favorite place to bounce off the wall in my room at home and I don't think he's found the ideal wall space in my room at school.
I think it's fantastic to watch.
Mine like to fly around the playpen touching only the sides for a full circle. Our newest Jackie is really cute because he's just started to get in shape and is becoming a Kung Fu master.

Piggy is adorable! I love the white bellies on blacks and she is a beauty.