Night mares?

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Hi everyone, I am just wondering if I am the only one who has nightmares about something going wrong with my chins. Sometimes I dream that I forgot to feed them for a whole day or that there is an emergency and I can't reach them.....

I am aware of the paranoia included in this.. but just wondering if I am alone here
We had a whole thread on this elsewhere and it seems a lot of us have nightmares about our chinchillas.

I believe that dreams/nightmares depict in images our hopes, dreams, frustrations and fears and since we're so involved with our chinchillas, we dream about them a lot. At least some of us do.

I swear I dream about my chinchillas at least four nights a week and they are always similar dreams where I have some chinchillas in another cage that I am not even sure are mine but they are in my care. I can't remember if I've fed them and I don't even know if they're alive or not and so I look into the cage and sometimes they are alive and I'm relieved and sometimes they are all dead. Very disturbing.
I constantly wake up after a bad dream and check on the chinchillas. It is ten times worse when I have a pregnant female due soon or new babies
I have nightmares about sharks eating me and being attacked by werewolves, so far no nightmares about the chins.

I do think my chins have nightmares though because sometimes Mick St. John will make his warning call while he's sleeping. If I hazarded a guess I would say he is also having nightmares about sharks eating him and being attacked by a werewolf because let's face it that is truly terrifying!
I don't have nightmares about my guy, but I have nightmares about rescues/pet store animals *ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME*! The worst one ever combined an "upscale" Medieval Christmas dinner theater event I waitressed at for several years with a pair of abandoned chins and their kits. I ended up chasing a frantic, lonely male chinchilla around the hall in a peasant dress with my top flapping open as I crawled under linen tablecloths rattling a dish of cheerios. Meanwhile, the other wait staff wouldn't leave the female and day old babies the heck alone even though I'd locked them in the dish room.
I don't have nightmares about my guy, but I have nightmares about rescues/pet store animals *ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME*! The worst one ever combined an "upscale" Medieval Christmas dinner theater event I waitressed at for several years with a pair of abandoned chins and their kits. I ended up chasing a frantic, lonely male chinchilla around the hall in a peasant dress with my top flapping open as I crawled under linen tablecloths rattling a dish of cheerios. Meanwhile, the other wait staff wouldn't leave the female and day old babies the heck alone even though I'd locked them in the dish room.
LMAO, I think we might be related. I have crazy crazy dreams like that and they're so epic and detailed. I go to bed at night to rest and I'm exhausted in the morning sometimes, lol.

I 'think' the meaning of my reoccurring dream about having all these chins that are in another cage and I either don't know about them or I've forgotten about them, maybe means that I am perhaps a bit overwhelmed with chin-stuff and am losing control. Or, it could be that I just worry too much about keeping them all safe and sound. I really don't know, but I dream about chins a lot and often they are not mine and sometimes they're not even chinchillas, they're guinea pigs and I don't even have a guinea pig. :wacko:
I sometimes dream that i left the door leading outside open or something so that he could run away. That is a BAD dream!