Nibbles =(

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Feb 25, 2009
Tampa, FL
Woke up yesterday morning to find my little Nibbs rather life less at the bottom of his cage. I rushed him to the Vet, but they couldn't revive him. What makes it worse for me is that he was only 4 years old and didn't even get a chance to live a full life with me. I have no idea what happen he was fine the other night running on his wheel and acting normal. He was a little distant the last few days, but hes always been that way on and off so I didn't think too much of it. I regert soooo much for not taking him to the Vet a few days ago. I could have maybe saved him. Rest in peace Nibbles my little sweetheart you will be missed dearly. :cry3:
If anyone has suggestions for his cage mate to help him cope better I would appreciate it.


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It broke my heart to pieces when my chins passed without having lived their years. I am so sorry for your los. My heart is with you. I also really wonder what could have caused his getting ill.
At the time I wasn't in my right mind and when I think of a necropsy, I just imagine him being cut up and poked at. I couldn't bare that, even thought I should have done it. I just took him home and buried him. I did give his cage mate a cuddle buddy already. I feel so bad for him though :broken: I do have another chin unfortunately they don't get along so well, I highly doubt it, but I'm hoping they will bond a little more now.
At the time I wasn't in my right mind and when I think of a necropsy, I just imagine him being cut up and poked at. I couldn't bare that, even thought I should have done it. I just took him home and buried him. I did give his cage mate a cuddle buddy already. I feel so bad for him though :broken: I do have another chin unfortunately they don't get along so well, I highly doubt it, but I'm hoping they will bond a little more now.

Another male?
You'll need to go through slow introductions.
I'm so sorry you lost your chin so suddenly, and without explanation. They hide their illnesses too well. The necropsy could have given you peace of mind as to why your chin died, but I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to have that done. May he r.i.p.
Yes they are both males and very dominate. They have been housed together in the same room for years now, but in separated cages. Sometimes I would let them all out together, they get along ok, but sometimes they will chase each other around a bit, but no aggressive fighting. I just hope they will bond a little since Nibbs is gone. :(
I understand that you don't want to do nercopsy. I just wonder and wonder why he passed, but I would not do nercopsy, either. When my chins passed, I was going to get nercopsy done and get them crimated until the moment in which I saw their bodies (separate incidents in separate days though).
I just wanted to pet them, hold them, and take them home.
I iced their bodies with frozen bottles (that was summer), and burn candles to cerebrate their lives. I put the bodies where my other chins could see, and let them say good bye to one another for an entire night.
In the next day, when the candles were all burn, I burried their bodies under a tree with their favorite treats in their hands.

Whatever the money that I had ended up saving by not doing nercopsy, I spent on my remaining chins, to keep them safer and healthier, and to spoil them even more and more. The money may worth more to spend on your remaining chins so that they could also live the unlived life of your passed chin. At least, I thought that way, and I remain feeling that it's my preference.

I also understand that other people may say, to run a nercopsy will ensure that you won't make the same mistake again. It's true, and I respect their view. At the same time, I just can't help doubting that vets could tell what might have caused the chins' death for chins' being such small and delicate beings. I feel (although I am just a lay person) that nercopsys on small animals may not be determinative as much as that on human bodies. Also, I feel that vets would avoid making clear announcements as to the causes of deaths because they don't want to be bound by their opinions. So, I might keep wondering why, even after a nercopsy...

Please give my love to your past chinnie, and may he rest in peace.
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I'm so sorry for your loss. :flowers5:

When Baby died, at home and in my arms, I allowed his cagemate, Mr. Whiskers, to see and sniff his little body. I took him to the vet for a necropsy and when I got home, I told Mr. Whiskers, just as I would another person, that Baby was dead and was not going to be coming home again. I explained that I didn't know why, but that I soon would. He and I spent weeks grieving and mourning our loss. I really do believe that animals can understand us, and I know that they grieve and mourn just as we do. I think that it is important to let them know what happened to their buddy.

Nibbs will be watching over you and his buddy from Chinnie Heaven.
Thanks for the support everyone I really appreciated it. When I came home I did let Fluff out to see him. I set Nibbs down and told him what had happen. Then I wrapped Nibbs in his blanket and held him for a little while, I didn't want to let him go. :cry3: Before I buried him I let Fluff give him one last kiss goodbye and Chimmy too. I went out last night and got a few new toys and moved chimmys cage a little closer to Fluffs to help keep him occupied. He seems to be taking it pretty well though.
Sorry to hear your little guy passing away. I lost my Jack this spring. He was with me for several years and his health started to fade. After taking him to the vet I decided to bring him home and keep him comfortable. He lived another eight months.
One thing I did before burial was to ink his paw ( with one of those washable ink pads ) and press his foot several times to a piece of paper. Something to remember him by.
I just lost my 1 year old, Sunny....

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you mean by them not living a full life. It was way too soon for both our little guys:(