Nibbled on a coffee bean...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hi all, I'm a little panicked...

My chins were out for playtime today and somewhere Powder found a half of a coffee bean. He nibbled on it a bit before I was able to grab him and take it away. Anyway, about fifteen minutes after ingesting it, he took himself to his cage and ended playtime early (weird). He's now sleeping in his wheel (also weird). I don't see any rapid breathing or notice that he's in any distress, but I'm nervous. Will that coffee bean harm him? You know how everyone goes crazy over dogs eating chocolate... I'm now flipping out a little because his behavior is so off.

Well, a quick web search turns up that cats and dogs shouldn't be deliberately be given coffee or coffee grounds because it contains caffiene and theobromine which may affect the heart and nervous system. Knowing the effect of caffiene on myself... I'd have to say if anything, caffiene speeds up heart rate, and so I wouldn't think it's having an effect if your chin is relaxing more and sleeping more. Though I can't say for sure, but that would be having an opposite effect if that's the case.

I say keep an eye on him... as long as he's eating, breathing, pooing, and so on... I think he'd be ok. I would think a nibble shouldn't cause much (if any) damage, but I'd keep an eye on him.
i did a quick search and couldnt find anything regarding small animals or rodents and coffee beans but I would just keep an eye on him. As long as he eats and drinks and acts normal otherwise then I wouldnt worry about it.
The coffee bean may have upset his stomach a bit and that is why he was not feeling well, but if he seems back to normal, I would not worry overmuch.