Next bath?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
My chin, Stormy, had a uterine infection a few weeks ago. I haven't bathed her because I've been too nervous. Yesterday I noticed some fur chewing. When is it safe to give her a bath? I don't want to cause any irritation.
Did you ever get her followed up by the chinchilla competent vet?
Mikayla, answer my question please. Has Stormy been back to the vets for a follow-up? If so, what did the vet say?
Nope. If I was worried she would have been :) She's gaining and eating and is very active.
*sigh* So you actually have NO idea whether the pyometra is cleared or not..... You realise how serious pyometra is, yes? You realise that antibiotics rarely clear pyometra, yes? You realise that Stormy is still at risk?
I seriously hope, for the sake of your little chinchilla, that the Baytril has worked & she is completely free of infection because if not then she is at risk of developing the condition again - once, you were very, very, very lucky. A second time you may well lose her.
If caught early, anti biotics can clear it up. However, that's rare and usually a spay is required and often chins are still lost.
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Kind of off topic, but I had a cat that had pyometra. Our family vet had told us years earlier that she was too old to be spayed, but I decided to try another vet because later she had a good amount of "swelling" in her abdomen. They had to do an emergency spay. It was risky too because if that uterus was punctured the toxic fluid would leak and that would more than likely result in death. Not something to mess with at all. She had the spay and lived two more years, but developed congestive heart failure. :(

Anyways, Mikayla, I sure hope Stormy continues to make a recovery!