Newborn Surviving 2 days without mom?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Tonight I found a kit in a cage, I thought it was dead, but when I picked it up realized it wasn't. I checked for more babies, none. The baby was a bit bigger than a newborn normally is, but not much, and seemed to be starving to death, so I immediately began giving small amounts of milk replacer.

The kit was sitting next to the female, but there were no signs of birth at all. So I checked her and she is heavy with kits and did not just litter, so I checked everyone in that run ( kind of tedious with 12 females in that run, lol ) and learned that every female open to that male is bred... but none had recently littered.

So I was trying to figure out where this kit came from and I remembered I had a female pop her door open on Friday ( it was catch chins day all the way around actually ) and her trips were lost during that. I searched all over but couldn't find them. I am guessing this is one of the them, right fur and color and all. So right now we're doing the hand feeding, I have a couple females with kits ready to wean that I can try to foster her too, at this point it looks like she'll be cruising along to school with me... unless she's doing really good by morning. The escapee female has no milk, not suprising since she escaped the day after her kits were born, she didn't have a lot of time to build up a large supply.

So what this saga is all about is... has anyone had a kit survive two days without mom as a 2-3 day old?

She was lying there, dead like, now she is sitting up and tries to move around. If she makes it through the night I'll have hope for her, but hopefully her GIT isn't too messed up from no food.
It can take up to 7 days for a kit to die with none or very little food. I've seen a few come back with feedings and you will find that the baby will soon learn to drink out of a bottle so you won't have to hand feed it all the time. If it's hunched over like it's stomach is empty or they are protecting it's stomach than it usually doesn't live.

Good luck!

Kits survive all the time with mom's who have little to no milk while we wait for their milk to come in. It wouldn't surprise me if a 2 day old springs back just fine.
This kit wasn't a few weeks old though, it was a newborn so it wouldn't have a fat store or full stomach like an older kit.

Unfortunately we had an issue last night... I had her in a basket right behind me while I was doing homework and the cat jumped up to the counter and grabbed her, I heard a squeak and we played chase the cat in the middle of an online timed test... which made life interesting. She appeared fine, but didn't make it through the night, I don't know if it was the lack of food or if there were possible internal injuries. After I retrieved her back, she appeared fine ( well like she was before the cat grabbed her ) My husband thinks he took her because she thought she was a kitten...

She was not even hunched when I found her, she was flat out on her side unable to move on her own or even sit up. This kit was born Thursday night, Friday night the mom was out kits all missing, last night is when I found her, so from sometime Friday until last night about 9:30 she was without food, possibly since Thursday if mom didn't have milk in yet.
Sorry to hear the kit didn't make it. The only similar situation I had was long ago, when I was first starting out in breeding. I had a mom who had triplets. One of the trips escaped when it was a day old. Still not sure how. But anyway, the kit was potentially out of the cage for anywhere from a few hours to all night. It was chilly when I found it. But otherwise, fine. The few hours didnt seem to do any damage. And it did survive.