Have had my Chin...Betty Boop since March 7 2015. Absolute joy with an attitude...up until last week. She stopped playing and stopped demanding her treats. I took her to the vet on Wednesday. No fever...teeth looked good... no runny nose or eyes or mouth. Checked her lungs..left might have had noise...right was clear...when vet rechecked left side it was clear. Vet thought she might have hairball. Gave her a shot to hydrate. Sent us home with Baytril just to be on the safe side about the left lung. Told me to give her pineapple or pineapple juice. Told me if she wasn't starting to come around by Friday I needed to take her to the Exotic Pet Hospital in Austin. By Friday Betty was giving me her attitude about being handled so she was feeling a little better...BUT...BUT...she was not eating or pooping. I have seen her eat a tiny bit of hay and a tiny bit of biscuit. She is drinking water and she does move through out her 4 story cage during a 24 hour time just to rest in a different place. (no playing at all) I stopped giving her the Baytril yesterday because of the no eating and started giving her yogurt by syringe. When I go in to get her she piss sprays me so I know she's feeling some what okay. She loves the yogurt. I just ordered CC to be overnighted. Should I be concerned to the point of taking her in to the Hospital......I'm trying to avoid this if she is slowly recovering. Every time I think that's it I'm taking her she turns around and acts like it's a better day.