New Rescue--Chewy

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Well I found out today that his name is Chewy. Michelle's fiance' picked him up from Jersey City, NJ & I met her Saturday. He was living in a pet carrier (it was a decent size one but no bedding as you can see the urine stains)
He is super friendly and a real sweetie. Weighs in at 480 grams, definitely can be be beefed up though.
He isn't eating as much as I had hoped, so if food is not missing by tomorrow after work, I am going to bust out the Critical Care.

Without futher ado.........


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Thanks Sandi.......but I am not keeping him. Just re-habbing him until Brittany can come get him. There is no more room at the Inn right now! lol
Chewy is a cutie. I'm glad he's with you!
I'd be happy to send some goodies for this little guy, I'll shoot a PM.
He is sweet. With all these railroads going on I'm getting confused as to who is who but in the end it's all good that these chinchillas will be on their way to a much better life. :))
I took him out tonight and gave him a good once over. Gave another syringe of lifeline & a couple cc's of dyne. his poop looks great. he is eating hay, both cubed & loose. not eating a ton of pellets but maybe once he realizes that is all he is getting than he will.

chewy is definitely a he and i looked at his top & bottom teeth and visually they look decent. top are orange colored and not overgrown, bottom look decent.

has some urine staining and small mats and very thin.

he is actually living in a 2 story feisty ferret, which is not as wide as the FN, but has lots of levels and is clearly bigger and more comfy than a pet carrier. he seems to like to explore the cage and is friendly.
I've noticed that a lot of chins seem to prefer hay over pellets... Maybe he's one of those chinnies? :)

Please keep us posted on his doings...
Woohoo! My baby is getting healthy and fat, I can't wait to meet him. :3

not eating a ton of pellets but maybe once he realizes that is all he is getting than he will. this because his previous owner was feeding him some crap that had seeds and stuff in it?
I cant believe someone had him living in a carrier (actually i can but it angers the heck out of me) poor glad you got him....he looks happy now
i dont know what the little girl was feeding him. but if it was the food with all the junk in it, that would explain things. i can see he has to potential to eat.

any suggestions from anyone on what i can put in his food to help him???

he really likes oats, typically i dont give my boys more than a few a day, i have been giving him a pinch, so about 10. i am tempted to give him a smaller pinch & put it in his food bowl & mix it real good. maybe get the smell on them or something???

since he has been here the poor baby has had every consistency & size of poop! real small & hard and now today they are a little more plump. i am hoping they are the way they should be.
Aww yay! I think I read about this lil' guy on the "Aargh Craigslist People" forum! It makes me happy that he has been saved :))
Shel, I know 480 seems small but it's not too bad, I would just give him the oats and maybe try some lifeline or supplement even to see if he can bulk up a bit. Or like Pash said you could try to overload the hay and see if he'll like that more.

He's a cute sweetie though! Lucky him to have you!
It's so great to come across these stories of chins being rescued and getting a 2nd chance to live a much better and happier life. At least Chewie doesn't seem to be too bad off, but he'll get a chance now to really see what the good life is!