New, please help :)

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Jan 16, 2012
Hi I have quite a few questions and if you could all take the time and help out that would be awesome! So some background info, this is my first time owning a chinchilla and I don't have one yet but I have a cage and im trying to get all my research done before I buy my little guy.

1) I got a Ferret Critter Nation single unit cage and I am planning on taking out the ramp and putting in another wooden ledge so he can get to the top ledge. Is there anything else I need to do with the cage so that it is safe for him? Cover the corners? Cover the ledge with fabric, anything?
2) once I get the chinchilla home, how long should I wait before trying to interact with him? I've heard from some places that you should let him get used to you right away and other places have told me to let him just simply smell me for a few days and get used to me and once he comes to me when I put my hand in then it's okay to let him out.
3) any other advice for taming him?
4) what type of food exactly should I get? Pellets or assorted kinds that they have at the pet store? Treats?

Also I'm looking for a cool way to decorate my cage so if you guys have any pictures of yours that would be awesome and some things that I should put in there like a hammock or anything? Thanks so much! All info is greatly appreciated.
For the Ferret Nation, I don't even the ramps or shelves in mine, it's all wood shelves. But the shelf would need to be covered because it is plastic, same with the pan it comes with for the bottom. A really good option for a pan is from Bass equipment. They make a really nice metal one with high edges so less stuff falls out and onto your floor!
When you bring him home leave him alone a few days to get used to the surroundings. The best way to start is to just sit by his cage and talk to him. A lot of people recommend reading to them. After a week or so, depending on how he's settling in, put your hand in there and let him investigate you on his terms, soon enough he'll be sitting in your hand and crawling on your arm to the door! I wouldn't bring him out for playtime for a few weeks, too hard and stressful to catch him.
The best advice for taming is do it on his terms. Let him figure it out. One of mine loved me from the start but the other I've had for 2 months and he's still not completely comfortable with me yet. It takes time and patience!
Oxbow is a really good food, and the pet stores carry it. Mazuri is good too, and pet store accessible, but I've heard chins getting soft poo on it. Never get a food with little treats in it, strictly a pellet food, they'll pick the treats out and leave the pellets which is no good. I feed mine Purina Rabbit Chow Show and they love it, but I have to buy online. Treats, there aren't many good ones at pet stores. Plain cheerios or plain mini shredded wheat are safe to give. Also rosehips, but I don't know where to get those besides online. If you'd like/can buy anything online, check out the classifieds on here, there are so many great things for chins on there.
Also make sure you give him unlimited good quality timothy hay, a good pet store brand for that is Oxbow as well.
The housing thread has a post all for Ferret Nation cages, check it out for awesome ideas!
lol never thought of reading to the chinchillas may try that out.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I've tried to let them settle in a couple of days and "._. my force love of leaving my hands so they got use to me kinda work. I'm still learning since i too recently had the new chin-family. Everyone here is helpful -truly delightful<3
"._. I don't have much tips but we can learn together :)
Awesome that you are preparing beforehand! If you chooses to use the plastic pan that comes with the cage, it's best to cover it in fleece. In the chin supplies for sale section, you will find tons of great things! Just a tip...most petstore items that are made for chins are actually NOT good for them. You can always ask here about something before you buy it! Do you already have a chin picked out, or still shopping? Glad you joined us here and happy learning!!:thumbsup:

Welcome! :)

I'm also pretty new on all of this, but I'd like to help, if I can. I have a Critter Nation, very similar to the FN you're talking about. In my case, I wasn't sure if I should take the ramps out or not, so I added shelves at different levels, but left the ramp there.

It turned out to be a really good decision. I have 2 chins. The female, Cinna,who is a bit bigger, prefers to jump around and pretty much ignores the ramps. She only likes them as places to hide behind to eat her treat (my boy always seems to be much more interested in whatever she gets!). The male, Pika, who is smaller, does seem to like to use the ramps. He'll jump at times, but when he's in a hurry he'll prefer the ramp. He also uses it a a place to stretch out right after he wakes up (it's super adorable to watch!).

As for interaction,it's really up to the chin. I've read it can take weeks, but my chins are remarkably friendly. Cinna was curious about me from the very first day, and Pika only barked for a day. I've had them for about a week and a half now, and if I put my hand into the cage Pika rubs his head against it asking to be scratched, and Cinna likes to use it for a temporary perch (which I always find really funny since she's a big girl and the back of my hand really isn't big enough for her to perch!) Today, in fact, both of them jumped into my arms while playing with my hand. I can't wait for the playpen I ordered to arrive, since I think these two are definitely ready for playtime!

I know I'm still very new at this, but from what I can tell, you just have to watch how your chin reacts. It will let you know if you need to go slower. Hopefully, you'll be as lucky as I am!
In my case, I wasn't sure if I should take the ramps out or not, so I added shelves at different levels, but left the ramp there.

Just because they haven't had an accident yet, doesn't make it a good decision to leave the ramps in. If you have ever seen a chin dangling from a broken leg, you would know why. All it would take is one wrong jump, one slip off of a ledge while trying to catch themselves on that ramp, and that would be that. If you want your cage to be chin safe, get rid of the ramps or cover them with thick fleece. The fleece keeps their feet/legs from sliding through, but quite honestly, if you have shelves all over the ramps are pointless.
i don't have one specifically picked out yet but i am trying to get ahold of a chinchilla rescue in my town and hopefully i will be able to adopt their baby boy!
Just because they haven't had an accident yet, doesn't make it a good decision to leave the ramps in. If you have ever seen a chin dangling from a broken leg, you would know why. All it would take is one wrong jump, one slip off of a ledge while trying to catch themselves on that ramp, and that would be that. If you want your cage to be chin safe, get rid of the ramps or cover them with thick fleece. The fleece keeps their feet/legs from sliding through, but quite honestly, if you have shelves all over the ramps are pointless.

The ramps are covered with fleece already. First thing I did, even before I got my chins.
I feed oxbow pellets and hay. Loose and cubed hay. They sell it at petsmart where i live. But ive also ordered it online from drsfoster and smith for alot cheaper then it costs at petsmart....
I use fleece liners now on my cage. And i lovethem they are great. Uou wash them every few days and there is no smell and you can teach them to pee in a box with woodchips in it so alls you have to do with the fleece everyday is shake the poo and hay off of it once a day,and wash it every few days. Maggie also has a fleece lined tube and im looking to get a hammock. I would love to put pics on here to show you but i am on my phone and i cant find a way to get the pics on here.
Make sure you have plenty of chew items in the cage.
Mine loves the little loofahs that they sell. Many bird toys are also safe just make sure they are made of a safe wood like cholla or grape wood or manzita. I also recomend a glass flip top bottle for easy cleaning. When i got maggie i spent 300 $ on stuff the petstore told me to get only to get home and upon more research realized that most of the crap the told me i needed was bad for her. So ive had to spend hundreds more gettin it right! They told me i NEEDED an igloo, which is bad for them,also i got the wrong food and then hadto replace it. Good for you for doing alot of research befprehand! I had looked some stuff up but not enough. Good luck with everything. Chins are awesome :)