New pics of the girls

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..has a fleece addiction
Jan 28, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Here's some pictures of the girls I just took tonight.

MuShu in her slightly nibbled daybed. I'm surprised she hasn't finished chewing it apart yet lol

Kona making sure I don't try to steal her shreddie away

Pretty Mei with her freckly ears

Chibi's closeup :heart3:

She's a little attention hog but I love her to pieces
I love when they look like tiny prisoners holding the bars of their cages!!
These are great pics of your pretty fur family! :)
Alli you have some gorgeous fur kids. I bet with the fleece master as their humble slave, they're definitely spoiled ;)
wow those are some beautiful chins!!! i laughed so hard when u wrote that Kona is making sure you're not going to steal her chinny always eyes me down when i give her a treat...she is so afraid she is going to lose if i would ever take it away from her lol!!
Ok MuShu's my favorite, oh no wait I love Pretty Mei's freckly ears :D, no, no, wait, Kona's got that beautiful black face, I'm a sucker for those, oh, but wait no Chibi is just adorable too! Oh ok I love them all! Great pics!
Mei is so gorgeous with those freckley ears! The girls all look fabulous, Alli!