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Oct 23, 2011
So I bought a ferret nation 141 and i got the cage in 2 days, was the quickest shipping ever! haha... So i set up the cage and went to this ma and pa pet store to pick up supplies for the cage, and head to the breeder mid next week to get a chin, but they actually had one at the store they just got from the breeder i was going to... 5 months old, super cute and very healthy... very friendly too and comfortable... so here is the picture of the cage:

he has the water on the side, timothy hay scattered on top of newspaper which sits on the tray... the ramp to the upper level is covered because the ladder is mesh not solid... and a food dish on the top which he just tips over so I bought one that attaches to the cage and is en route... also en route is an 18" shelf, a corner shelf, and a lava ledge all from quality cage... im so happy and he is already showing good signs of bonding and being friendly! other than those things that are en route, is there anything else i need? is a wheel and hammock for him a necessity? where can i get a quality hammock that is safe?

Thanks all!
nice :) but id say you probably dont need that ramp. It looks safer then most but he will probably just jump up for the most part.
A wheel is not necessary for any chin, but they sure do enjoy it, especially if you don't provide any out of cage time. If you do get one, monitor his weight. Some chins lose when they get a wheel because all they want to do is run. I also wouldn't recommend it for a young chin. I would wait until they are an adult before putting a wheel in full-time. IMO, little guys need all their calories for growing.

As far as hammocks go, that's up to you. Some chins love them, some ignore them, some chew them. Only way to know for sure is to put one in there and see how he likes it. There are plenty of folks in our supply section who sell hammocks that are chin safe and fairly inexpensive. I would check there first.
nice :) but id say you probably dont need that ramp. It looks safer then most but he will probably just jump up for the most part.

hahaha so true!! he has been jumping up there all day lol he like wall jumps lol! and thanks tunes! ill check out hammocks! do i need a wooden box type house for him to sleep? there is this ball in there that he kinda chews on and goes inside to nap
You may want to look into a Bass metal pan for the cage or fleece liners. The newspaper and hay is going to get old and smelly quick, and create a huge mess. Also, what is that snack bar on the top shelf? It looks like something that may not really be chin-friendly and you may want to pitch it.

As far as a hammock, it's hit or miss. Some chins love them and use them, other chins couldn't care less that it's in the cage. If you decide to get one, there are many people in the classifieds section who sell liners. My suggestion if you get anything would be a fleece covered tube, also available by people in the classifieds section. Those tend to be the most favored cage items by chins.
right, I have been looking at some accessories that are fleece lined such as the tube, hammock, and the half pvc fleece covered bed that attaches to the side of the cage... thanks guys!

also if i get a fleece pan liner, do i just leave it at that? i dont put anything on top? no hay? then when it gets dirty i just remove it and wash it, and put it back on?
There are a few things I would change.

- It would probably benefit him to have a glass or metal container with pine or aspen wood shavings for him to pee in (I use a glass pie dish)

- Something to put the hay in, like a hay holder, would help make things less messy and keep the hay clean (away from pee and poo)

- Is the new food dish en route metal? any plastic isn't good for chins

- I would get your chin a wheel eventually. The 15 inch Chin Spin from Quality Cage is my favorite. Obviously, avoid the plastic wheels. You also have the option of getting a flying saucer, but some chins never learn how to use those.

- Instead of hammocks, I would get him a fleece hidey house. Every chin likes a hidey house. That website has chin-safe houses

Some chins end up loving hammocks. You could always just get him one and see how he likes it. The website I mentioned above has them too. Personally, my chins just like to bounce on them and don't use them to sleep or anything.

What kind of food and what brand of hay are you giving your chin?

Also, which treats do you give him?
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There is one major thing missing from your picture.....your chin! I would love to see a pic of your new baby! :thumbsup:
so i just ordered some lava ledges, pvc tube, pan cover, 18" wooden ledge and a corner ledge type thing... the cage is looking better and better, and he seems very happy! here is a picture:
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may i ask what he's eating?

he is very cute though

haha yea he is cute, i love him.. rubbing under his chin is so fun, he lovesssss it... and as for the food its something that was in his pellet food in the bag
So the pellets you feed him aren't straight pellets? There's treats and colorful things like that in it?
haha yea he is cute, i love him.. rubbing under his chin is so fun, he lovesssss it... and as for the food its something that was in his pellet food in the bag

in his pellet bag, he shouldn't have items like that. proper foods are Oxbow Chinchilla Deluxe, Tradition Chinchilla Pellets, Mazuri, Nutrena Naturewise (rabbit pellet), or Manna Pro Sho (rabbit pellet).
I don't think that's a good food to feed them. Corn is an ingredient close to the top of the list and that's something you should stay away from. Pretty much any food that has anything other than just pellets shouldn't be given to your chin.
Just a suggestion to try to keep him healthy :))