Hello ! This is my first post. I have been lurking for a while. I have done my research and I am doing the best I can to care for a sweet little neglected chin. I need some help though and I’m so thankful to have found this site. A member here suggested it to me but I don’t know the name they use here. My Chins name is Chingy- I love him so much. My husband is getting jealous. I was not looking for a Chin, but a chin found me! This chin is a male and has been neglected for at least a year and a half that I am aware of. I tried to talk the owner into giving him to me a year ago but he wouldn’t although he wasn’t caring for him properly . I used to visit him but it got to be too sad and I couldn’t do it any more . I was finally able to get him last Wednesday. When I went to pick him up it looked as if the cage hadn’t been cleaned since the last time I did it A YEAR AGO. The bottom consisted of hay and POOP. If there became too much poop then they just added hay and that is what he was living in. He had a tunnel that went over the cage and spent A LOT of time in there and I think it was because it was the only place not covered in poop. It was very disgusting. I wanted to throw up when I tried cleaning that old cage. It was also too small for him and he had no places to jump. The bottom was about 3 inches of poop, old hay, old bath dust and pee. Just disgusting. I went out and bought him a FN 142 (put him in it on Friday)and went to home depot and made little shelves for him out of untreated pine. I also have lava leaps in there for him. I left the plastic shelving in the cage because he had plastic in his old cage and he doesn’t chew the shelves. I have a plastic wheel in his cage that he has not used. I am going to take it out and get a metal one and see if he takes to that. He never had a wheel in his old cage nor has he ever been taken out to play. No exercise. I think he is a little overweight. When I went to pick him up from his old home he was out of food and who knows for how long. All he had was yogurt drops to tie him over I guess until they could find the time to buy him food. I didn’t know how I was going to get him in his FN because I am not comfortable picking him up yet, but I just opened one of the bottom doors and rolled his old cage up next to it with that door open and it didn’t take him long to come out of his tunnel and into his new mansion without looking back ! HE LOVES HIS FN !
A little more about his history. He was kept at a business that used heavy machinery and also did engine work so he was exposed to loud noises all day , engines revved up just a few feet away from him. Also, there was heavy cigarette smoke in the area he was in . Gas fumes, cigarette smoke and loud noises is what he was exposed to on a daily basis. I am surprise that he is alive but so happy that he is and I am making sure he can enjoy his life now. I spoil him rotten. I buy him something new every day. Today it was a willow ball. He is a very friendly chin. He comes to me every time I go to the cage. I just have a few questions/concerns:
-All the pictures that I have seen in the FN club thread show no bedding on the shelves but fleece instead. Does he not need the bedding ? He sleeps outside of his house A LOT, he falls asleep at the bottom of the feece covered stairs a lot with his head laying on the stairs. When he does sleep in his house that is on the bottom shelf with bedding he kicks all the bedding out and sleeps on the plastic. If I take the bedding out, and cover with fleece then where is the pee going? Doesn’t he need the pine / bedding for that? Also, do they always pee in the same spot? I cant find his pee place and I’d like to know where it is.
-I know that bass sells a bottom pan for the FN but I would like something that is higher than the 2 or 3 inch pan they sell. Any sugguestions? My living room is a mess. Lol
-Major concern !!! My Chin humps my hand. He makes those mating sounds and If I open the door and put my hand inside the cage he humps it. He has done this more than once. It startled me and I jerked my hand out then he went over to some moving objects in the cage and humped those too ! I don’t think he had anything that moved in his old nasty cage. I have read about cuddle buddies…is this what he needs?
- and lastly I want to give him play time because I know he needs it and I want it so bad for him but I’m not sure how to transport him from the cage in the living room to my bathroom for playtime. I don’t feel comfortable picking him up yet. I am afraid he may jump when I am carrying him. I really want to let him out of the cage and I think he wants to come out but I just don’t know how to go about it. Any advice on this would be great !
A little more about his history. He was kept at a business that used heavy machinery and also did engine work so he was exposed to loud noises all day , engines revved up just a few feet away from him. Also, there was heavy cigarette smoke in the area he was in . Gas fumes, cigarette smoke and loud noises is what he was exposed to on a daily basis. I am surprise that he is alive but so happy that he is and I am making sure he can enjoy his life now. I spoil him rotten. I buy him something new every day. Today it was a willow ball. He is a very friendly chin. He comes to me every time I go to the cage. I just have a few questions/concerns:
-All the pictures that I have seen in the FN club thread show no bedding on the shelves but fleece instead. Does he not need the bedding ? He sleeps outside of his house A LOT, he falls asleep at the bottom of the feece covered stairs a lot with his head laying on the stairs. When he does sleep in his house that is on the bottom shelf with bedding he kicks all the bedding out and sleeps on the plastic. If I take the bedding out, and cover with fleece then where is the pee going? Doesn’t he need the pine / bedding for that? Also, do they always pee in the same spot? I cant find his pee place and I’d like to know where it is.
-I know that bass sells a bottom pan for the FN but I would like something that is higher than the 2 or 3 inch pan they sell. Any sugguestions? My living room is a mess. Lol
-Major concern !!! My Chin humps my hand. He makes those mating sounds and If I open the door and put my hand inside the cage he humps it. He has done this more than once. It startled me and I jerked my hand out then he went over to some moving objects in the cage and humped those too ! I don’t think he had anything that moved in his old nasty cage. I have read about cuddle buddies…is this what he needs?
- and lastly I want to give him play time because I know he needs it and I want it so bad for him but I’m not sure how to transport him from the cage in the living room to my bathroom for playtime. I don’t feel comfortable picking him up yet. I am afraid he may jump when I am carrying him. I really want to let him out of the cage and I think he wants to come out but I just don’t know how to go about it. Any advice on this would be great !