New Littler Box Behavior

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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So, I have had my hedgies going on about 2 weeks now, and just tonight I am noticing a new thing that Gryff has decided to do. I heard a strange noise coming from his cage, so I went to see what it was, and he was sitting in his littler box and kicking, nah throwing practically, all of the litter out and across the cage. Is this a normal thing? I did just change out the litter and clean the cage, so maybe it is just a reaction to this and he likes to be a dirty boy, but he hasn't done this before, that I noticed... Hmmm?
YAY! Glad he's not just being grumpy about me messing up his cage. Well, since he is a digger, I am making liners for my cages, should I use Cordouroy fabric or denim for him? He is gonna have a tissue box with fabric pieces to play in as well. At the moment he is in regular bedding, but I don't like it..... Almost finished with his new liners! YAY!