New hog

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On WEdnesday I ma going to collevt my new hog.
It is another female this time she is brown.
I think will call her Willow.
I will post pictures as soon as I can:thumbsup:
aww! congrats! cant wait to see pictures! ;)
btw, willow is an adorable name!
Here are some pictures of my new girl.She is so confident.Very friendly and very inquisitive.



Can people give me their opinion on her colour please.
I don't know a thing about color. But I do know that she is just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
She is just too beautiful!
Im not good with color but she looks like an Algerian Chocolate to me.
Wait for colour opinions until she is over 9 weeks. They can fade and change colours, typically at 9 weeks we will be able to tell. She is gorgeous though. Has a very attractive dark mask.
She is beautiful! Right now, she looks like an Algerian Chocolate or Grey, however, like Kalandra said, the color could still fade and change colors.
Thank you for the advice. I use chinchilla sand in her litter tray which is what she has on her nose.She likes to shovel the sand with her nose lol.