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I haven't had a chinchilla for a little more than a year now (my ex kept my chinchilla...), but I just realized CnQ was gone! I was Jessi on there..
I just moved back to NorCal from El Paso, TX and I'm an Army Wife and staying with my parents until my husband gets back.
I hope I can get chinchillas in the near future, but it's not looking to be a good possibility until next year, but I'm still going to try haha
Welcome Jessi. I'm sure you'll see lots of the old familiar faces. :)
Hi Jessi! Hope you can get your chinchillas soon! Welcome :)
Thanks for the welcome! I do recognize some of you!
And as sad as it sounds.. I don't think I'll be getting my chinchilla back from my ex.. I tried getting him back when I was moving. He still lives with his parents, so they decided to keep him too.. It makes me so mad because whenever I went over there, their house was so humid and he kept looking like he needed a dust bath all the time, his hammock needed washing, cage needed cleaning.. and I got him a new Quality Cage.. He also kept my ferret (which I don't mind because I wasn't going to take him from his friend), and my sugar gliders, and my reptiles (I was moving from place to place at one point and he was taking care of them, then we got in a fight blah blah blah he wouldn't let me get them..then we broke up, I ended up getting married.. LONG story)