New hedgie (maybe)

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
Found a hedgie for sale in my area. Lady says she is 6 months old. She also said that they use gloves to get her out, but after a few minutes she will open up and explore. Is it normal to need gloves to get them out? Is there a way to tell aproximate age? Do you think with time and patience she would warm up to me? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just excited!
I only ever used gloves with my boy he had extrodinarily sharp quills and was not a very social boy. A lot of people just can't get use to getting a little prickle my girl is prickly but I can handle her... For me it just about what you can handle lol also many hedgies will actually allow hands to cup the belly and won't spike you much others you may wish to use one of the blankets or Hedgie bags...
In my experience there has been no way to tell age, just as there is no way to tell age with chins unless they are young enough that they are not done growing ...
It's kinda like chins, they can get use to you with time and patience but individuals will be more stand off ish and other will be social. Every one has their own personality. But from the sounds of if this Hedgie is a bit huffy when you wake her like most hedgies but then she will open up and explore, so there is certainly a good chance for you to bond with her :)
I got her...I love her! She licked my hand on the way home. She was in a small cage (super pet cage) with carefresh bedding that was damp and stinky. I have put her in a big plastic tote with fleece and a litter box. She has a little hut, but I made her a hedgie bag and she's in it. I bought hedgie food at Feeders Supply and she's eating it. I gave her 2 mealworms too, but nothing yet... She has a wheel that is too small because the middle thing hits her back, but she is running on it. I'll post pics later.