New Hedgehog Owner! :D

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New member
Oct 21, 2011
Hi my name is Bryce and on Thursday I got my first hedgehog. My hedgehogs name is Luna and she is the most adorable thing ever! :D


She was born September 5th, and I was very excited to have her at my home!

My question is, she has had this "rust" colored poop and I don't know why. Any ideas?

She also has thrown up a little bit. Is that do to stress?

She seems to hate opening up in her cage, she always runs underneath her box. After I get her to open up she is incredibly hyper. I guess that is a good thing.

Last thing is, I don't have a wheel yet. What can I do to substitute that?

P.S. Sorry for such a weird.. everything. I"m just excited.
welcome :D idk im not a hedgie person but this is a really cool picture i especially like what her quills look like
Hello :) welcome to the forum. Something you need to know about your hedgehog,

She was born September 5th, and I was very excited to have her at my home! Congrtulations :)

My question is, she has had this "rust" colored poop and I don't know why. Any ideas?

What is she eating, that would help in answering your question.

She also has thrown up a little bit. Is that do to stress?

It could be down to stress or the amount she is eating they are prone to obesity.

She seems to hate opening up in her cage, she always runs underneath her box. After I get her to open up she is incredibly hyper. I guess that is a good thing.

Was she socialized properly when she was younger? Do you handle her at night? It takes time to build a bond up with any hedgehog, they have to get used to you & your scents & you have to get used to her. Time is the best thing here & patience.

Last thing is, I don't have a wheel yet. What can I do to substitute that?

You can put in empty toilet roll containers, balls made out of willow, there is plenty of things out there now adays for them. Mine has a pineapple straw made toy it doesnt matter is she nibbles it, as it wont cause her any harm.

Hope i helped with some of your questions & look forward to hearing the answers to my questions. They are a fantastic pet.

P.S. Sorry for such a weird.. everything. I"m just excited.
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