Their personalities in the first week
To give you an idea about personality:
When Pip came here he was afraid of his own shadow and everything around him. Pip was found in a garage very scared. He's had it hard. Anytime you would reach down to touch him he would hiss, hiss, hiss and back away. Forcing myself on him was the only way to show him that humans can be trusted and he quickly became comfortable with me being right near him. He now crawls into my lap, loves to be pet, loves to be held. My dogs and cats have free roaming access to the kittens (to the outside of the pen) when I'm around and it has been great exposure for him. He doesn't hiss at anyone anymore - he's absolutely wonderful. On top of being wonderful he is the "Big King Brother" of the kittens. There is a jungle gym in the pen with them and he goes to the very top now and sleeps on his blanket, watching over all of his adopted brothers and sister...but when he's awake and ready to rumble, rumble he shall! He is full of spunk and energy and loves to wrestle his little head off.
Walrus is a big baby. He likes to wrestle too, but he's pretty laid back. I see him growing up to be a lazy cat.
Waffle is all sweet and innocent. He likes to cuddle in the hammock. His personality hasn't really bloomed yet. He's still watching and learning, but he loves to be pet behind the ears.
Whistle is another rough and tumble boy, but he's also a real sweetheart and likes a nice blanket to curl up into.
Webster is a demanding little squirt. He lets me know when it is meal time and will try his hardest to crawl up the play pen and get to me...I think if he could crawl up and over he would jump right up on my bed and seek me out to tell me to get his food. My favorite thing that he does and I'll miss when he doesn't want to do it anymore: He weaned himself off the bottle but twice since doing so he's seen it and really wanted it, so I put just a small amount in it and he sucks it down...then he continues to suck on it while he falls asleep purring and holding my fingers. It is the sweetest and he did it for about 20 minutes today. He's like a little human baby with an oral need to be near you. My husband says we have a close bond and that I'll cry when I take him back. I might, but I know he'll be adopted quickly since he's so sweet. He likes to wrestle with the best of them too though. He doesn't tend to sleep alone, I usually find him snuggling someone else.
Wysteria - haha....ooooh Wysteria...she is sweet as can be, never causes any trouble and loves to lay on her back so you can rub her tummy. She minds her own business and likes to watch everyone. She's social, so its not like she doesn't care to be around anyone, she really does, its just that she always looks like she's thinking about the sweet things in cuddling and eating and snuggling...she looks like she's thinking even when she's in the litter box:laughitup:
The occasional wrestle is fine, but she'd prefer NOT to be bitten...
Last but not least! Waverly. Waverly is actually not spunky at all, she is a lot like her sister Wysteria. She likes to be pet and she likes you to notice her. She's one of the first ones in my lap when I go to have some sit down time with them. She'll snuggle up right between my legs and go right to sleep. Her and Wysteria are bit lazy and it has me wondering if this is a long-haired thing :hmm: because she and Wysteria and Walrus all have a bit longer hair than the rest and they are all very docile and lazy. You don't see a great deal of wrestling from the three of them...its like they're worried they'll mess up their hair :rofl: ....Ok, maybe not Walrus...since just yesterday he decided he wanted the whole bowl of food to himself so he sprawled out all his feet, dived in, and laid on his side...all the while, still.eating. UGH! :impatient: Momma was NOT happy with that mess...