"Sometimes, you need a good excuse to get away. How about a holiday like Chinchilla Day? Surely you've heard of Chinchilla Day -- it celebrates Le Trios Chinchillas, three very tiny defenders of a small village against a band of vile rogues. Outnumbered and outsized, the chinchillas managed to defeat the villains. Or something. The bottom line is that you need to get to Vegas. What's your excuse? "
We're one short of Le Trois Chinchilla.
"Sometimes, you need a good excuse to get away. How about a holiday like Chinchilla Day? Surely you've heard of Chinchilla Day -- it celebrates Le Trios Chinchillas, three very tiny defenders of a small village against a band of vile rogues. Outnumbered and outsized, the chinchillas managed to defeat the villains. Or something. The bottom line is that you need to get to Vegas. What's your excuse? "
We're one short of Le Trois Chinchilla.