New Chinchillas =)

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2009

This is Buckcherry - Techically he is my friends, because she bought him from Becky at the MCBA show this weekend - But he lives at my house. I absolutely love him, he's gorgeous, and I was really trying to stay away from having a lot of standards, but I'm so glad we got him.
He is a wild card though, he's still pretty freaked out. That picture was from while he was in his temporary cage yesterday. He was sitting on the second "level" and I opened the door to take a picture, but he bouded off the wall and out the door. He went under my wooden hopechest and it took me a few minutes to get him out, but he was NOT happy. haha. He's still cacking at me whenever I come near his cage, and he won't take any treats from me just yet, I think i'll just give him a few days to calm down.


This is Lois, my newest rescue. This is the picture the owner sent me, and it must be a pretty old picture, because when I picked her up (during lunch at the show) she looked totally different. ( not that i'm saying she looks all that great in the picture, but it's great compared to what she looks like now) Her coat is terrible, it looks like she's suffered a bad combination of fur chewing, and not enough dust baths. The owner had a dust bath in the cage when I arrived, but there was only a thin layer of dust on the bottom. She ushered Lois into it and she rolled around a little bit. The owner made a comment on how she looked much better now that she'd taken a bath, but I didn't see much of a difference besides the fact that her fur was now covered in sparkles. I took her home and once she settled down she was very sweet. She doesn't want any treats either, but she's probably just stressed. She went from having 2 chin companions to being on her own. (The owner wanted to keep the other two, and wouldn't give them up unless I gave her $225 for the chins, plus whatever she wanted for the cage. =/ but they looked to be in better condition than this one, so that's a small posotive) She's also VERY skinny, which makes her look much smaller than she actually should be. It's really sad because I can tell this chin would be gorgeous if she was better taken care of. I'm going to bring her into the vet Monday or Tuesday, just to get checked out, and hopefully everything is in order. Oh, and I almost forgot, her cage.

I'm guessing this is what is used to look like, which is still pretty bad, but it's DEFINATELY not like that now. The shelves were almost completely chewed and just a small frame remained, The chins were trying their hardest to balance on the very edges. There was also no hammock, and I don't think these chins have ever had a wheel. It sucks that I had to leave the other two behind, but There was nothing I could really do about it.
I couldn't get a good picture of her yesterday, she was all cuddled up inside her house, and I didn't have the heart to wake her up and pull her out. I'll probably try to get a picture of her sometime today.
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Oh my god! It is too bad that you could not take the other two...but at least she does not have to live like that anymore..Kudos to you for rescuing her! and I will send hopeful vibes that someone takes the other two out of that situation
Poor chinnies. Thanks for rescuing Lois. She's lucky to have you. Thats sad to hear about the other 2 chins. It would be very hard for me not to mention something to the owner about the shape of the cage and the chins. Atleast you saved Lois and she's beautiful and i'm sure she'll be much happier with you.
I gave her a Real dust bath, and it made her coat look ten times better. I'm trying to get her used to my other chins from a distance, so that once i'm done quarantining her, she can bond with someone and won't have to be alone all the time. She finally accepted some treats from me, yay.

Her name makes me laugh every time I see it, but my friend came up with it on the way home, and it really seems to fit her. =P

Buckcherry is still terrified. I tried leaving the dust in his cage, and watching from a distance, but all he would do was bark at me. I tried physically putting him in it, but he grabbed onto the bars of the cage with his little hands and it was so adorably sad I just let him go and left the room. I came back a bit later and he was contently sitting it, covered in dust.
His coat still looks great, I didn't know if he had been groomed or not, and was very pleased when I woke up this morning and he still looked so good. I just hope he calms down soon and lets me actually interact with him.
Good for you for helping out!
I am so glad to see her with a good family!