New Chinchilla

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I just got a new chinchilla yesterday, she is 8 months old and a standard grey. I am not a new chin owner by any means.. I've had chinchillas for over 10 years just as pets, but I have not had a young chinchilla is over 5 years. My question is how do you get a new chin to eat and drink? I have offered her pellets, loose hay and cube hay, and 2 water bottles. I did not change her pellets. As far as I can tell she has not been eating or drinking. Although she did take one raisin earlier. Is there any secret to getting her to eat more. I have lost a chinchilla to bloat before and I am just worried my new little one will end up with bloat if she doesn't eat. Her poop started off big yesterday when I got her but is now significantly smaller, although I have seen a few more large ones come through. Any help with getting a new chin acquainted to a new place would be greatly appreciated as well as my feed question.
Well, she needs time to adjust to her new surroundings. The first day or two that I got my chins, they wouldn't eat or drink for me. But I was paitent, talked to them, and eventually they started eating again.
It could be that she is adjusting to her surroundings. What is the name of the pellets you are feeding her? Has she eaten any of the hay? Also, you could try rubbing a raisin at the tip of the sipper tube to get her to drink from the bottle.
If you have one of those glass super pet bottles make sure it is working. I used to only have a problem with the large ones, but I recently got a medium sized one that wasn't working.
I got her from Shoots. She is on the same feed they give at the ranch (Dr. Koch's formula, I believe). She is taking a raisin a day without any problem. I am using an Edstrom Water Buddy, and it is working I've checked it multiple times. Her poo is still small, but there is tons of it! And i noticed one pee spot and is extremely dark yellow/brown color and only about the size of a quarter. Is this normal? Should I try to give her water through a dropper or would this just cause more stress since this is only her 2nd night here.