New Chinchilla Owner

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Mar 17, 2013
Hey guys, my name is Zach McNamara. I live in Minnesota and am almost 20 years of age. For my birthday my girlfriend Madeline decided to buy me a chinchilla. We got her as a baby. Her name is Mischief. She's just filled with energy. He's a few things I've found out and have been doing for her since we got her.

Feeding her Oxbow food pellets.
Feeding her plenty of Timothy Hay - and Timothy hay cubes.
Using aspen bedding.
Using bottled water and putting fresh water in everyday.
Cleaning her cage once a week.
Giving her a dust bath twice a week.
Making her a new cage right now, ill post a picture as soon as im done.

Feel free to give me some tips and tell me if im doing anything wrong.

also: Sadly, on the 3rd day of owning my chinchilla i came into my room later in the evening after i went out and noticed the chinchilla got caught in the top part of the cage. Before i could do anything once she saw me she started freaking out even more and just pulled her finger out. On her right paw she took one little end of her finger off. Knowing that the vet is expensive, i called a exotic pet specialist and she told me to use paper towels (to track any bleeding) and putting hydrogen peroxide on her little tow twice a day. She has been eating/drinking/sleeping regularly, and she still jumps around like a crazy women so im guessing it's getting better. There is no bone showing and it is starting to develop a scab. Am i doing the right things for my chinchilla? or should i bring her right into the vet ASAP?
Hi and welcome!

I'm sorry to hear of your chinnie's accident, but toes seem to be a frequent loss, and isn't too serious if the wound is small and kept clean. As Laura mentioned above, it's good to have BluKote on hand for wounds like this.
Hello and welcome. :)

I don't know why vets recommend using peroxide. Peroxide causes necrotizing of the tissue (death). At best, it can be used if it's diluted by 50%. I would not use it full strength. I also prefer using Blu-Kote but it can make it harder to see the wound so it's a toss up. The paper towels are a good idea. Also be sure to keep an eye on it for swelling or infection developing (pus, redness, etc.).
Hello and welcome. :)

I don't know why vets recommend using peroxide. Peroxide causes necrotizing of the tissue (death). At best, it can be used if it's diluted by 50%. I would not use it full strength. I also prefer using Blu-Kote but it can make it harder to see the wound so it's a toss up. The paper towels are a good idea. Also be sure to keep an eye on it for swelling or infection developing (pus, redness, etc.).

Thanks yeah, i do not know why she told me that then :wacko:. Blu-Kote is able to be purchase in a store than?