New chin, very mean

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I got a new chin Saturday, I can't put my fingers even near the cage without him barking and getting definsive. I'm confused he is a blue ribbon ECBC winner, I would think he would be a bit nicer! Any tips on taming him?
Just sit by the cage and calmly talk to him. Maybe set your hand in the cage and let him come to you, don't approach him! It'll take him some time to get comfortable. You could also try some chin safe treats to get him to come out of his shell. Just remember, don't move too fast, and you'll eventually have his trust. :))
I have been doing all those things, he hasn't changed at all. Usually by now they are jumping in my hand asking for love.
Well, it's only been since Saturday. Some chinchillas take much longer to gain their trust than others. Just keep taking it slow, and he'll eventually come around. It could take weeks or even months. Did he come from a ranch/large breeder? It could be possible that he's just not used to the attention.
Ribbons just mean he has a winning coat, not necessarily a winning personality lol. Chins that spray judges often still get ribbons :)

He probably just needs more time or it could just be his personality. I have one who I've had for almost a year now and he's a terror. But he has slowly at least started to tolerate being given treats and patted on the head...before he kacks and runs like sasquatch is after him.
You are being way too demanding of your chinchilla. They are all different, you cannot judge your new chin's behavior by your last. You have had him since Saturday, in that time he has been carted around to several places (if I am assuming correctly you got him at a show), gotten a completely new owner, and had his whole environment flipped around. Seriously, you need to chill out and let your chinnie chill out. Let him acclimate without you hovering around expecting him to bend to your will. Show ribbons are not based on personality...
I have to agree with Parkerspetchins..your chin has been through quite an ordeal and is experiencing a certain amount of stress due to this. Think of it this way, if you were taken out of your environment and put into another where a bunch of people oohed and awed over you, picked you up and turned you around, once again looking at your fur, your weight, etc then put into a cage and taken to yet another environment where this big scary person kept putting his hand on your cage and trying to touch you and hold you, wouldn't you feel a bit overwhelmed and scared and on the defensive?

Just relax and follow the tips that everyone has and will give you and I am sure that over time, your chinnie pal will come around. He may never be the cuddle type, but very rarely will chins ever be. Try sitting next to his cage and reading him a book or listening to soft music while you talk softly to him. The most important thing is to let him come to you, not you go to him.

I am in the same boat as you are, for I have a chin that will not let me pick her up and barks at me whenever I go near her cage. I have had her for a few months now and she is just now to the point where I can get in her cage to clean it and feed her without her biting me.

Calm down and take you time! There is no need to rush this burgeoning relationship between you and your chin! :)
He probably just needs more time or it could just be his personality. I have one who I've had for almost a year now and he's a terror. But he has slowly at least started to tolerate being given treats and patted on the head...before he kacks and runs like sasquatch is after him.

My Ebony is somewhat like this. Since he was a baby, he would get on his hind legs then kack and charge at me, LOL! He's slowly softening up and he's 8 months old now.
My Ebony is somewhat like this. Since he was a baby, he would get on his hind legs then kack and charge at me, LOL! He's slowly softening up and he's 8 months old now.

It's the breeder. Noon is the exact same way, and Piper is just nuts. They take after the breeder's nuttiness I think. :tease:

But seriously, let your chinchilla adjust. Not all chins are going to let you just come up and handle them immediately. I got Noon in October and I've only recently been able to start petting her without her running for the hills. Do nothing but feed/water him for a few weeks, and just kinda hang out around the cage without actually trying to handle/pet him. Chances are, he's been in a run for a majority of his life, and now has a larger cage. That's intimidating to him, not to mention the new smells and people.

And yeah, chins that bite and spray judges will still get bumped up into higher classes. Personality has little to do with their pelt, which is what they get judged on.
I got a new chin Saturday, I can't put my fingers even near the cage without him barking and getting definsive. I'm confused he is a blue ribbon ECBC winner, I would think he would be a bit nicer! Any tips on taming him?

Hopefully you talked to the breeder before buying him and learned a bit about his temperament. The breeder can give you the best assessment of what to expect because they know the temperament of his parents and they interacted with him as a kit.

If you didn't talk to the breeder then, I'd recommend contacting them now. A good breeder will support purchasers after their animals go to a new home -- especially so soon after purchase. Ask a little about how he was caged, how they interacted with him, when they fed him, when and how regularly they played with him, how they played with him (i.e. in a playpen), whether their caging allowed him to climb out of his cage himself or whether he was picked up to come out, etc. Doing the types of things they did would be a good starting point and should help to reduce his stress level. From there you can slowly introduce some of the things you want to do with him.

And if he is acting very stressed, you may want to put him in a low traffic area of your house while he gets accustomed to his new cage, new environment, the sounds, smells, and habits of your household, etc. It's a lot of change for him. Hopefully you got some of his food to at least maintain his diet before transitioning him to whatever food you plan to use long term. I can only imagine a change in diet on top of everything else would be difficult for him

it took my stitch over 6 months to become more friendly. now he just jumps into my arms! BUT......he will actually spray me when he is not happy. Yes, he is a boy & he sprays!
but zucca, within 1 week, he was my bestie! all chinnies are different. probably had a rough few days at the shows.
just give the new dude some time to chill. ;)
I also recently got a new chin. My first warmed up to us (my girl and myself) in about a week, and after a year pretty much demands being handled and scratched. Second one however is a bit more scared of everything. First day mostly just barked and postured by one of the wooden homes... the stopped doing that but would simply run and hide the second anything would make a sound... and i mean anything. i cough and she's 2 stories lower behind a wooden home. would even refuse to take a raisin...

However I sat next to cage and spoke to her in a low calm voice, and in just 1-2 weeks of doing this she comes to door when i open the cage. does not mind being pet a little... resists being handled but i can tell she's coming around.

I think they all come around to some level... but I believe some just have a more defensive or scared personality.

i enjoyed reading all the stories thank you
It really is way too early to determine what kind of personality they will have but like others have said, the ribbon(s) is for their fur quality and has nothing to do with personality.

They're all very different and react differently to new situations. Take for instance the two new rescue boys that I picked up close to three months ago: the "sweet one" is a nasty biter now that he's with me and the "nippy one" is a sweetheart. I've also had to separate them b/c the one that bites me and shakes when I hold him was bullying his cage mate of two years. A change of environment is a huge adjustment for some chins and for others it's no trouble at all.

I'd just take a few steps back. Tend to the chins by feeding them their daily pellets, hay and do what you need to do in their cage. For me, when I tend to my Buster beast I let him out of the cage to run about and dust and while he's out I do what I need to do in his cage b/c he was biting me while I was trying to give him his food and stuff.

He was also running around the room, circling and then lunging and biting me but he doesn't do that anymore thank goodness. I am working with him on a daily basis and I'm hoping he returns to his "sweet" personality but I do think it will take a lot of time and patience in his case b/c he is still somewhat scared of his new environment. I'm not giving up on him though and even though I have to use leather gloves to scoop him up and put him back I still have hope that he will adjust eventually.
It's the breeder. Noon is the exact same way, and Piper is just nuts. They take after the breeder's nuttiness I think. :tease:

But seriously, let your chinchilla adjust. Not all chins are going to let you just come up and handle them immediately. I got Noon in October and I've only recently been able to start petting her without her running for the hills. Do nothing but feed/water him for a few weeks, and just kinda hang out around the cage without actually trying to handle/pet him. Chances are, he's been in a run for a majority of his life, and now has a larger cage. That's intimidating to him, not to mention the new smells and people.

And yeah, chins that bite and spray judges will still get bumped up into higher classes. Personality has little to do with their pelt, which is what they get judged on.

Hey! No Saying that Ivory Mom was a witch and he is as sweet as can be...Ebony and Noon have the sweetest mom...:pillowfight:...Maybe it was where they ended up LOL:tease: I am very nice but my chinchillas do talk back a bit.....Have no clue where they get that though :innocent:

Saturday to today is not any indication of Personality..neither is the ribbons. I have seen the sweetest animals on earth not place at all And Have seen judges bit and/or sprayed by the winning animal. Shows are beauty contests
I came home with a chin on sat. for a show. I haven't handled her, or attempted to handle her since she was put in her cage that day. The only thing i've done is feed and water her.

You need to give chinchillas time. They are prey animals and not all are loving and friendly. They all have different personalities, likes and dislikes. Give it 2 weeks before you try to handle it, and let him settle in and get used to the routine and surroundings.

Keep in mind a lot of people who show are ranchers. If this is the case the chin wouldn't have gotten "play time" or handled. Wasn't given treats, etc. I've gotten plenty of rancher raised chins who settle in like a charm, and some "hobby" breeder chins who I don't even try to handle anymore because it stresses them out too much.
Thanks for all the info, he's slowly adjusting, I'm impatient, trying so hard not to be! I love chins and I just want to show him I do!
Keep in mind a lot of people who show are ranchers. If this is the case the chin wouldn't have gotten "play time" or handled. Wasn't given treats, etc. I've gotten plenty of rancher raised chins who settle in like a charm, and some "hobby" breeder chins who I don't even try to handle anymore because it stresses them out too much.

I'm well aware this chin may have come from a rancher, and if so, this owner needs to know and understand that. Call me naive, but I think any breeder (rancher or not) should disclose a bit about the chin including its temperament and current environment especially when selling it as a pet. So I believe a person buying a pet from any source (pet store, hobby breeder, rancher, etc.) should do what they can to learn about that animal's environment before coming to them. And I believe the person selling that animal (pet store employee, hobby breeder, rancher, etc.) should share what they know about that pet when selling it. To me it's all about the pet.

The new owner needs to look at the pet from the perspective of the pet. The animal has no idea why its circumstances have changed. Take this chin. Let's say it was in a run at a rancher's. It's been living a mostly solitary life if being prepped for a show. It didn't have play time. Let's say it wasn't expected or really given the opportunity to interact with humans to any extent. Its life was consistent, and it was comfortable with that life.

Now its sold to someone who expects it to immediately want to interact. I recommend a pet owner understand from what environment it came, and help to meet the chin's expectations for its environment. Forget what you expect from the chin. See what the chin expects from you. You know what happened to the chin's world and why. They don't have that same reasoning process, so you need to go the extra mile to make them comfortable. Meet those expectations until the chin is comfortable and only then try to start expanding its behavior to meet your expectations.

And a chin from a rancher would have many of the same lack of socialization characteristics that a chin from a pet store would have except pet store chins are used to frequent interruptions, banging on the glass, random toys, etc. And hobby breeders, backyard breeders, etc. run the entire gamut.

I took in a pair of rescue chins (my first chins since I was a child). These chins are still learning to interact with me after the better part of a year. I then purchased a pair of very well socialized and actually demanding chins. I had entirely different expectations for the two pairs knowing where they came from, both are meeting my expectations, and I hope I am meeting theirs. Both pairs have adjusted well, but I knew what environment they came from and adjusted my expectations to meet what they were used to. Both pairs are still very different in how they interact with me, and I really don't expect the rescues to ever want the human interaction the other pair does.

In my opinion, that needs to happen here. I don't know who this chin was bought from, but I believe the owner needs to have a dialogue with the breeder to understand what they bought. This should have happened before the chin was sold, but the sooner it happens, the better I believe for both owner and chin. Only once the owner understands the environment the chin came from can they understand what to expect from the chin, start making the chin comfortable in its new environment, and then start slowly changing things so the chin becomes what they want the chin to be. It's a process, and the speed at which change happens depends on the environment the chin came from, the chin's personality, the owner's personality, and other factors -- but it may take a very long time for this chin to become what this owner wants it to be.
