I just got a mosaic boy only 8 weeks old and he is only sitting in the corner. he will only eat when i put the pellets in my hand or when i put the hay cubes infront of him is there something wrong or is he just shy and not know his new home?
I hope he wasn't given away until the breeder made sure he was properly weaned and eating on his own. Maybe he's just scared being on his own and will come around soon. Also, maybe he's more active at night when no one's around and he feels safer. Keep an eye on him.
Yes, when did you get him and how long has he been sitting in the corner? If it's only been a day then I wouldn't worry as he's probably stressed out.
If that's the case I would just leave him be for a couple days. Obviously go into his room and feed and give him water, but don't bother him.
But if it's been a couple days and he's still not eating then I would worry that something is wrong with him. He shouldn't just sit in the corner if it's been a couple days.
Does he have a wooden house to hide in? Is he drinking water? If a chin isn't drinking they often do not eat from what I have read. Is he on the same pellets that the breeder was feeding him? Are you giving him lots of good loose hay? Check to make sure he is pooping good amounts of tic-tac sized pellets since that is a good sign of good chinchilla health in general. If he is having output then he is getting input. He may just be settling in if you just got him.
yeah i jsut got him at around 430 today and he was sitting in the corner but now he is running around like a 5 year old kid on a sugar rush and he is eating fine and drinking plenty i guess i just over reacted because this is my first chin. he already responds to his name and he bolts towards the door of the cage at my every move he also likes to sit at the corner and stare at me untill i come to the cage and play with him
Okay, well don't overdo it for his first couple days. Seeing as he was scared earlier today I wouldn't let him out of the cage much and just let him settle in and watch his poops to make sure he's eating fine.
And no treats to the little guy until he's 6 months old. His little system isn't going to be good at handling too many changes in his diet. So keep it simple to pellet only food, hay, and wood twigs for him to chew on. He could also have a pinch of old fashioned oats.
i havent let him out of the cage yet at all i was reading on another site to let the chin stay in the cage for about a week to get used to the new cage and then start letting him out. so just apple twigs and pellets for now?
Hay and filtered water too. What kind of pellets are you feeding?
Watch the consistency of his poops. Look for very soft poops which could indicate diahhrea, or very hard/small/crumbly poops which could indicate constipation.
For the most part (other than when you check up on him, feed/water him), leave him alone in a quiet room for about a week. Let him get used to his surroundings.
yeah i give him hay cubs and loose hay and he is pooping liek crazy all like tic tacs and good consistancy and i use bottled spring water and i let him do his own thing
I'm glad to hear he's warming up to his new home. Just make sure he's got everything he needs (some good pellets, plenty of hay, clean water, and chew sticks) then give him some quiet time. Best not to rush these things. Keep us updated. )
hey gets lots of quiet time becuase i am a college student but i live at home he is all alone during the day and at night and in the morning and evening im home with hm and he begs me to let him come out and play but he has only been here for a day
If you only got him today leave him alone for a bit. He needs to get used to the sounds, sights and smells of his new environment. Give him a day or two without your hand in the cage, just go about your day.
yeah ive let him be in hte cage i only go in when hes sleeping to change out his food but hwne hes away he comes to the door and starts nibbling at it and chirping for me to let him out but he responds to his name