New Chin Owner with Nutrition Questions

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Jun 12, 2012
I'm a new owner, and had several questions about nutrition, some of which I have managed to find the answer to here. I do have a few more questions, however. The pet store owner sent us home with Kaytee feed. After research, I decided to change to Oxbow, which I ordered from Amazon, and am GRADUALLY switching. I give unlimited timothy hay (Kaytee is all I have access to), Gracie eats it up, George not so much. I had read that it was safe to provide a raisin or plain Cherrio as treats and I would cut the raisin in half and give them ONE a day. I have found here that neither is actually OK. I have seen rosehips mentioned several times, where can I get these?
I had also purchased a toy "log" that was also supposed to be safe to chew on, but now I am worried that this is not safe and have taken it away from them.
They have been drinking the same water that we drink, but I have now seen discussions regarding different types of filtration and am worried about that. I am a nurse and understand about microbes, but if it is safe for humans, including children, shouldn't it be OK for chins?
Sorry this is so long, I am still learning. Thanks for your input.::hmm:
I've never seen cheerios cautioned against. Typically those and half a plain shredded wheat are recommended.

Rose hips are sold at online stores such as those in the sticky thread in the for sale section.

Is the log wood or edible ingredients? If it's edible ingredients, I'd say not ok.

We use filtered water and our filter is great. Reverse osmosis is what I see recommended.
filtered water is what chins need because they are very susceptible to parasitic cysts in the water. giardia is one parasite that chins get very ill if they contract it, whereas humans may just get a bit of an upset stomach for a day or two.

the log, it is a 'snak shak' product? if so, not safe at all, as they are put together with honey, and honey is something that is that is not chin safe at all.
If you're not opposed to online shopping, you can get some great hay from online vendors. Kaytee is terrible hay. Try Kleenmama, American Pet Diner, or Farmer Dave. I'm sure there are a few more that I haven't listed. I've ordered from Kleenmama and love their hay.
I am so glad you are taking the time to read and research the proper way to care for your furrbabies! Sounds like you are making the same mistakes most of us have made due to the rotten information that is out there. Awesome and safe, hay, supplements, treats, wood, pellets, toys etc are sold here bysome really great people who love and care for chins. Happy shopping!
Hi. I also learned a lot on this site over the years. I find that is easiest to buy items online, especially from the people here in the classifieds. It helps if you have a PayPal account.

I buy a bale of hay from a local farmer. Just needs to be any kind of grass hay--Timothy or orchard are most available, but not sure if you have that near you. $6 for a bale gets me way more than enough for the whole year. Hardest part is storing it.

Idgie loves old fashioned rolled oats or even oat groats as a treat. I get the rolled oats from any grocery store and the groats from Whole Foods. I used to get rose hips there, too, but they don't carry them anymore. So I buy from someone on this site.

Apple sticks are a must for Idgie. She loves to chew the bark off. I also get them online. For wood chews, I pick up pieces of pine or poplar trim from Menards or Home Depot and just cut them into small pieces.

For water, I just buy a gallon of purified water for less than a buck and that lasts her months. Chins drink very little water--an ounce or two a day.

Good luck!
A single cheerio is fine to give once and a while. Raisins, however, are a big no. I don't give any dried fruit, raisins especially. My chin gets rose hips, rolled oats, wheatie, shredded wheat, cheerio, or extra twigs. I only give a pinch of one of them once a week.

I got my rose hips at a health food store, but I've seen people selling them on online stores.

A snak shak log toy? As mentioned, they are held together by honey and are a unhealthy "treat".

I give my chin brita filtered water or reverse osmosis water.
Thanks so much for all the input! Yes, the chew log was Snak Shack and is now history! Thankfully, they had not shown the least interest in chewing on it. I am a PROFESSIONAL online shopper (LOL), so will order some hay online. We have four horses, so do use hay, but not in the summer, and I don't want to give my new babies something that's been stored in our barn since the fall. Raisins are gone as well, going to the natural foods store for the rosehips. I think sometimes the treats are more to make us as owners feel good, anyway. They have apple sticks already. I hope lava chews are OK, because they have been chewing those with gusto! I have found a local veterinary clinic that says they see exotics, but state you have to make an appointment so the exotic vet is there, hopefully that won't be too much of an issue. I live in Arkansas and don not know a single person who has even OWED a chinchilla, much less a breeder, so I'll be using this site a lot! Thanks everyone
I give my chin brita filtered water

only the new version of the brita filter will filter out giardia. the older versions do not, and shouldn't be relied upon for safe water for chins.

the Pur 3 filter is good for chins, it filters out giardia.
Lava chews are fine. You can also get pumice or Blue Cloud rocks for them as well which is the same material as the dust, but in solid form. Happy online shopping! By the way, I just got a new order of 2nd cut Timothy hay from Kleenmama and its wonderful! I haven't seen my chins excited about hay in a while and they were hopping around like mad when I cracked the box open. :D
only the new version of the brita filter will filter out giardia. the older versions do not, and shouldn't be relied upon for safe water for chins.

What do the new versions look like? I have one that I bought last year, but I haven't been using it for my chin since I thought they were no good.
What do the new versions look like? I have one that I bought last year, but I haven't been using it for my chin since I thought they were no good.

Its not so much what it looks like, rather you really have to read the filter's description. I believe the Pur filters must say stage 3, not sure about Brita.
I ordered hay from Kleenmama today, I hesitated as the shipping was over TWICE what the cost of the hay was, so I hope they like it!