New chin owner, should I get my Chins checked out by the vet?

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Hello, I have 2 Chins and I was reading that I should get them checked out by the vet, but the pet store said they were checked out by the vet before they were sold. Should I get them checked out anyway, just to make sure their health and hygiene is OK? And also should I have my chins see a vet every year for a check up? Thanks! :neener:
If the pet store pays for a free vet visit, sure. If they don't, there's no point. The most a vet can do is listen to the heart, and do a visual check, unless you pay for them to do a fully body x-ray and lab work, which would be expensive and not make much sense unless there's something to check for.

I take my chins to the vet if they need it, not as a preventative.
I brought my girl to the vet within the first week or two of owning her. I did this for several reasons: I was a new chin owner and wanted to make sure I knew what was normal, I had some questions that I wanted to ask the vet, I wanted to establish a doctor-client relationship for future reference and a huge reason I went was because I had a coupon for a free first exam (VCA website has them pretty often). That being said, Chloe was pretty stressed and like Peggy said, there's not a lot that the vet can actually do during a superficial exam. If you definitely know how a chin should look/act etc, then there is really no medical reason to get them checked out.

If you want to meet a vet and find out if you like them that's a whole nother story. I kind of look for vets the way an employer interviews a job applicant. I want to meet them, ask them questions, see their hospital etc. Of course, if you already know a vet or have a trusted source that reccomends them then you probably don't need to do what I did.
If the chin is healthy no need for a vet check-the only time I would take a new chin if there was a existing health issue such as teeth and I would want a opinion of my own vet dentist. Also, if I was new to chins and had no vet I would want to find a vet I was comfortable with their knowledge during a well care check. Like, does the vet tell you to feed fresh greens and fruits?