New Chin Owner...Questions!

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New member
Jan 30, 2013
I just got my new Chin Charlie today and he's my first ever but I want to be a good Chin parent so I want to get some questions out of the way.
What should I expect his first night here? He's barking which I suspect is out of fear or checking for other chins. He's just sitting in the corner and occasionally making the barking sound.
How long will it take him to get adjusted approximately?
I got Health Diet for him, is that an ok food or should I get something else ASAP?
I have him in a wire cage but it does have a plastic bottom and plastic shelves...should I switch that ASAP as well?
Will he need dewormed? If so with what and how?
Proper handling technique advice so I can help the bonding process and so he's not afraid of me?
That's all for now...thanks so much!:hmm:
He is calling to see if there are any other chinchillas around. Just leave him be for a couple of days to get settled in. You can reach in and lean his cage, feed him, and talk quietly during this time. After that spend more time near his cage talking, singing reading a book out loud so he gets used to your voice. You can also lay your hand and arm in the cage and let him explore it. Don't try to pick him up yet, just let him get to know you. After he is used to you, you can begin picking him up when he is on your hands. Just lift slowly, he will probably jump off. That's ok. Do this until he is comfortable with you lifting him. Then you can begin taking him out of the cage. This can take days or weeks to accomplish. I have never heard of that brand of feed. Some good ones you can get at pet stores are Mazuri and Oxbow. If you don't mind ordering on line, there are members on here that sell good brands at really cheap prices. You can find them in the classified ads section under supplies for sale. There is not much you can do about a plastic bottom except keep a close eye out for chewing. The shelves can be replaced with pine shelves and should be done ASAP. You do not de-worm chinchillas. When you hold him, make sure all 4 legs are supported. It is a good idea to hold on to the base of the tail, right where it meets the body. This is to prevent him from jumping out of your hand or arms. It will not hurt him.
You should definitely replace or cover the plastic shelves. I still have plastic shelves in mine, but I cover them with fleece so there's no chewing problems. Be sure to use a safe wood if you decide to replace the plastic shelves with wooden...I always heard pine is poisonous, but I'm no expert.

As for bonding with your chin, CuddleBug has basically nailed it for ya. :) Be sure to give them a good week or two to settle in before you actually open their cage for contact.
I never pick my chins up because they really don't like to be held...If I have to pick them up, I pick them up by the base of their tail...If you grab their tail anywhere else you could possibly pull it off...If you hold them, hold them upright, supporting their back legs with one hand and hold your other hand in front of them, under their chin and very gently around their chest. Don't squeeze them too hard because their ribs are extremely fragile. There are pictures of how to do this. :)

I typically use plain Oxbow chinchilla food...I haven't heard of many others, so I'm not sure if they're good or not.

Enjoy your new chinnie!
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Putting wood shelves in is really easy and kind of fun! There is a wonderful DIY here.

I personally used a drill because it is more fun and VERY easy. Look for 2X6 kiln-dried pine. At my Ace Hardware, they had a bunch of 2X6 kiln-dried pine for $.75! It was awesome. Get it cut in various lengths, or use a saw at home. You'll want to at least get 2xsomething because you have to put hangar bolts in.

How old is your Charlie? :) Good luck to you! I am sure you will be a great parent!
Posted by Filia "...I always heard pine is poisonous, but I'm no expert."

Pine is not poisonous. It is the wood of choice as long as it is kiln dried.

Oh, if you never pick your chin up, he will not get used to it. If he ever needs medical attention or evacuated from your home, you will have a major problem because he won't let you pick him up. All chins should learn to tolerate being picked up. They may never love it, but if they have learned to tolerate it, life is much easier and safer for them. Just reaching in and picking them up will NOT traumatize them.
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