Ugh.. I'm not so sure I should even say. I got my first chinchilla when I was 11 years old, right after I lost my first pet (hamster). At the time, we didn't have any internet, so, no research was done. I wanted one because I saw one at the pet store my stepmom worked at, and after feeling how soft and seeing how cute they were, I just had to have one. I asked my dad after my mom's approval (divorced family), and he bought me one from a "breeder" he found through petsmart. My step-mom wanted the male they had there, and I got his sister. They told us to feed them guinea pig food, so that's what I fed them.. Luckly I didn't make the plastic mistake. But we had no idea about the temperature, and I remember it getting HOT somedays. Now I know, but I didn't then. All I can do is be thankful nothing happened to Lucy, which was her name, during those hot days. I never used the run around balls, but my step mom did. I always would get mixed fruit packages where I would feed the chins everything in it, many pieces at a time. I used Kaytee dust, and fed them all kinds of things from the petstore, including those large seed sticks. I never even fed them hay, except occasionally when I thought they'd enjoy it. Eventually I ended up with Schroeder, which was Lucy's brother, the one my step mom took. She didn't want him anymore. So, he had the same care Lucy did. Unfortunately, I didn't know these things were wrong until I was about 14 and started looking things up on the internet, and found the forum. By this time, Lucy had passed away from getting her foot caught in the inappropriate wire cage I had her in, but Schroeder? My buddy's still alive and doing well at the age of 13, which shocks me from the care he was given. I lucked out with Schroeder, but everyone PLEASE, do their research BEFORE getting their pet. If it wasn't for the 1"x.5" wire cage floor instead of the appropriate 1/2"x1/2" wire, I may had still had my baby girl.
Now, I know I said no research was done, but I did have a chinchilla book from the petstore.. but you know what that information is worth...
All I can say is thank god I found this community! Now, 8yrs later, I have 10 happy and healthy chinchillas!