New cage coming today!

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Watson's new cage is coming today!! I keep checking the fed-ex tracking site in the hopes of it getting 1 step closer to my doorstep!!! :)

This is the link for the cage I got.

For the meantime, I will be covering the ramps and ledges with chin approved fleece while my boyfriend makes the pine ledges. I've also bought several yards of material to make my own fleece liners. Annnnnnd I have an order from QMC coming in to furnish the new cage. I think I'm more excited for this than anything haha! I'll be posting pictures as soon as I can.

Does anyone have any suggestions on must have items for the most chintastic set-up possible? I would like to hear your opinions because a chin can never get too many presents right?
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I don't know if anyone has told you this but you don't necessarily need the ramps. They are good to catch in case of a fall but they like to jump more than use ramps.
I don't know if anyone has told you this but you don't necessarily need the ramps. They are good to catch in case of a fall but they like to jump more than use ramps.

Ideally, I just want pine ledges, hidey houses, and fleece items in the cage but I guess if they don't need the ramps then I'll just cover the wire ledges with fleece for the time being and not waste my time with the ramps.


A lot of people don't have ramps but they will do wooden bridges and such across just in case of a fall. You can check out lots of cage set ups in some of the posts.
You'll definitely want to get rid of those ramps. Even with fleece, unless it is completely taut all the time, a foot/leg can slip down in between and it can get ugly. Too many broken legs from those things.

I would just place lots of pine shelves all over the place, on different sides, and at different levels. Get rid of the shelves that are in there (as you planned) and the ramps. Those cages tend to be not so sturdy when a chin really gets rocking, so the more shelves you put in there, the more support it will give.

Take a look at the Ferret Nation Club thread and look at all the stuff you can put in a cage that is fun for chins. Also do a search for Sandi who just did her huge FN142 in a Christmas theme. (Her chins are complete brats.)