New boys from Menagerie!

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Feb 4, 2009
As quite a few of you already know...I've been extremely excited and unable to sit still in anticipation of my ratty boys! I finally got them! Meanie brought my four boys to me today while doing another trade off. It was a VERY educational day, I learned a lot about squirrels and wildlife and squirrel birth control!

Anyways...I got two Himi boys and two Berks. They are ADORABLE!!! I cannot wait to get home with them tomorrow and just spend all week with them! They're all soooo sweet and just too cute for words. They got excited when I came home from dinner and my hands smell like french fries!





yay im so happy to see pics of these new babies!!!

youre gonna have so much fun!
They look so unhappy. I think I might need to come and take them back. :tease:

Thanks so much for all your help moving stuff into Mary's car and repackaging bark bites and carrot toys. I'm surprised we got everything in.
We are expert packers!!! Plus...Mary has an amazing stacking ability with that top rack on her car. :neener:

I can tell the Berk boys apart! One of the Himis is bigger than the other. The smaller himi is the feisty one that fights with all his might NOT to come out of the cage, and then just gives lovies once you get him out so I'm naming him Fizzgig (Fizzy). Podling is the berk with a smaller spot, Skeksil (Silly-rat) is the other berk boy and Landstrider (Strider) is the other himi. More pictures tomorrow! Why? Because I can!!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! <---slightly insane with happiness to have ratties again.
Nakked tails *shudders*

Cute faces - I am sure they will have you wrapped around their paws in no time, Tab ;)
They are adorable! I never realized how cute ratties were until a friend of mine got some and I saw hem in person. Now she is looking to rehome them and my life has been threatened if I bring any more animals into our house.
Oh. My. Gosh. They are ADORABLE! The black berks look JUST like the two boys I used to have. Your pictures make me realize just how much I miss being a ratty owner. Enjoy them!
Yay! Tab finally has her ratties...I didn't think she could hold out much longer! Tab, they are adorable! I love them in the hammock and they look so friendly as they are checking out your finger. Congrats! Can't wait for more pics!