new boy rearranging :]

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So, Ridley *as I shall call him for now*, is exploring his new cage and decorating it with his poo, and making some rearrangements. While I'm all for him expressing himself, I'm afraid the pot with his hay in it is a hazard. He loves to sit on it! Which is fine but he knocked it over and rolls it around and I want to know what the best way to weigh it down would be. Its just a ceramic pot, but he enjoys it more than anything else in the cage so I don't want to remove it.
Well, if you had any safe sisal rope (not the oiled kind) you could tie it to the side of the cage by going through the hole at the bottom of the pot.
I gotta go buy some, he really likes to sit on it though it looks so funny, like he's on the john.
how cute!! PICSS!!
maybe you can get him another pot just for him to sit on so he won't sit on his hay pot....
You can use a strip of fleece, like 2 inches wide and however long you need it. It's really stretchy so pull it taunt when you tie it.
how cute!! PICSS!!
maybe you can get him another pot just for him to sit on so he won't sit on his hay pot....

Haha, yeah right, even if she had ten pots, he would still pick the hay pot to sit on, trust me! Wait till he starts peeing in it, that is really fun! :neener:
Meh, I say just leave it on the side. They will pull the hay out of it anyway, whether it's upright or on the side.. so let him sit on it like a goofball :)
Evie used to knock hers over when she was little, but it was a small pot, and narrow on the bottom. Now that she is in the BIG girl cage with Tami, they have an azalea pot, which is wider at the bottom, and not as easily tipped over. Solved my problem!
You could also bolt it to the cage. Good luck winning the interior decorator battle. As you've figured out, if it isn't secured to the cage somehow, they will relocate it.
I replaced the pot with a lil black mesh container, hard to explain, its kind of like a pencil desk holder but metal. He seemed to like it just as much. I also put up poo guards today :D He was grabbing them from me when I tried to put them in, I tell you this lil boy is fearless
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Sounds like he's settling in well :) Our girls like to sit on their hay pot as well.

Is the mesh pot painted black? If so you might want to be careful as the paint could be toxic of he decides to chew it.
Its a pencil holder, the old pot my boyfriend said had lead paint so we took it out immediately and replaced it with a new hay holder, its not painted, like if you hit it against the cement or something and it chipped it'd be black underneath, if that makes sense?