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New member
Mar 11, 2011
Temple Texas

I had a chinchilla long ago. My son was trying to help mommy clean and killed my chilly with 409. I never thought I would be able to own another chinchilla. Now both of my kids are above the age of eight and I was given two wonderfull chinchillas. They are Chilli and Jalpeno. Both are very friendly and gave me a big surprise March 3 2011 with two babies. I love all of them very much but plan on finding great new homes for the babies. I look forward to hearing to hear all the great advice that I need for my new mommy chinchilla!
Welcome and congratulations on your chins and babies! Their names are super cute, I'd love to see some pictures! I think it was a good idea to wait until your children were older to get the new chins. I'm very sorry about your loss with your first chin.

Are the two chins separated now so they won't have babies again?
Hi and welcome! Congrats on the kits. As the others have already asked, have you taken steps to make sure another pregnancy doesn't happen with either separation or getting the male fixed? Please ask away if you have any questions or concerns :)
Welcome to CnH! You could also sex the babies and the adults correctly and separate them into same sex pairs and rehome one group, that way you won't continue to get babies.
Chilli and the Babies are seperated from Jalpeno. I did seperate them before the babies were born. She was trying to eat all the food and Jalpeno was losing weight. Now they are all Happy! The kits have grown so much I just cant belive it. I was in contact with the previous owner she had breeded Chilli and Jalpeno several times. I do plan on seperating them though.
I would really like to know when the kits can have their first dust bath.
I also found it amazing that they are not supose to have rasins. Im reading and learning so much all ready. I was blown away when I read pet fresh is a real bad idea Ill be getting new bedding first thing in the morning.