New Baby!!! question please help.

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Oda for peek ahp!
May 22, 2010
Hey guys! i'm so excited i'm a grandmother! my babies Gizmo and Ginger had their first baby together.She's a beige i think just like her daddy. She's 47g. that's good right? And i've been keepin' an eye on her everytime i look in the cage shes feeding off Ginger. So that's a good sign the only thing that worries me is that most babies by this time would have already had their eyes wide open but the baby girls' eye is slightly closed but i can see the eye balls. Maybe she's just had small eyes. haha here's a picture please let me know what you think if it's anything to worry about! thank you!

if the eyes are opened thats a good sign. If theyre sealed shut thats when there can be problems. It takes a few hours for the eyes to open in some cases. Shes looking good to me and yes her weight is healthy!
It's not a big deal if the eyes don't open on their own. Sometimes you have to help them along. It doesn't often mean there is any problem with the litter.

The cage you have pictured there is not baby safe. Openings should be no more than 1/2 x 1 inch or a kit can squeeze through. They can and they have.

Cute little bebbie. :)
Hey thanks for the replies guys!

Yeah as soon as i saw the little girl get comfortable she was jumping all over trying to get she poked her head through i was all oOOOOh no you don't! haha i gently pushed her back in the cage and took her and mother out put them in a travel cage so the baby can't go anywhere and went straight to Home Depot and got some wires Chicken wires seemed too big still so i got the little squared ones that only their noses can fit through yep already put it up and everything she tried to do it again but couldn't get out haha i think she knows that the she can't fit through the tiny hole. =) She is a smart little cookie! she knows how to climb on to my other hand when i put it there so sight is A-OK! Thanks for the replies guys!:angelic: